In the first United Nations conference outside New York City in the united States of America, the UN took over Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah and claimed it was “international territory.” In the process, the were shutting down a journalist’s rights to video.
On August 26, 27, 28 of 2019, the United Nations procured the venue of Salt Palace in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah for a conference.
The Utah state legislature provided $650,000 for the conference.
However, as a journalist attempted to video the conference, specifically one of the security personnel, who is clearly a foreigner, she was told she didn’t have permission to video the woman’s face and that Salt Palace was designated “international territory.”
Take a look at this report from Defending Utah.
In fact, this was referred to not as Salt Palace, but as a “compound.”
- The UN says they “took over” the building
- The UN stated that the taxpayer funded Salt Palace was now “International Territory” where US rights don’t apply
- The UN stated that the United States was outside the doors of the Salt Palace
- The UN, who at best should have been a guest of Salt Lake, instead acted like an invader and denied a US citizen their 1st amendment rights
According to DefendingUtah, “During the conference, pushing the UN’s anti-family/anti property rights/ anti American Agenda 2030, journalists covering the event were confronted by UN officers. ”
I spoke with DefendingUtah co-founder Ben McClintock via phone and he told me that in addition to the $650,000 the state legislature provided, Salt Lake City chipped in another $100,000 or so for the event.
Consider all of it is taxpayer money, including the money used to build and maintain Salt Palace.
So, why is Utah allowing such tyranny in the middle of an American city? Why is the UN, an entity that claims it is for human rights, unless they deem it otherwise, telling journalists they can’t video in an American city?
DefendingUtah also has set up a petition page at UnitedNationsUtah.com.
They also provide the following information:
The United Nations: The Peace Dove Unmasked
“In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.”