Upcoming U.N. Conference Seeks To Ban Guns
By Jimmy Moore
The Gun Owners of America say the agenda of the U.N. on this issue is not covert, but rather it is unabashed. The U.N. "unembarrassedly admits that it wants to strip small arms from all non-government individuals [like you] because the possession of such weapons allows people to oppose the U.N. itself," said Lawrence Auster, a Newsmax.com reporter who covered a similar effort by the U.N. in 2001.
The U.N. will attempt to use this upcoming conference to put pressure on member nations, such as the United States, to apply tougher gun laws.
But, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has come to the defense of gun owners. He recently submitted H.R. 1146, a bill that would allow the United States to leave the U.N. He is lobbying House Republicans to allow a floor vote on his bill.
"The U.S. House routinely spends 15 minutes re-naming post offices," Paul said. "It should spend 15 minutes to answer the question an increasing number of Americans are asking: Should the United States continue to support the United Nations?"
Furthermore, Rep. Paul has created an online petition for Americans to show their support for H.R. 1146. The petition is located online at www.Just15.org.
Provisions of Rep. Paul's bill include the following:
-- Relinquishing all U.S. participation in the United Nations and any subsidiary groups and agreements.
-- Removing the U.N. headquarters out of New York City and revoking all of its governmental privileges.
-- Ending U.S. financial support for U.N. operational and "peacekeeping" missions.
The deadline for the petition is June 23, 2003.