Emergency United Nations Citizens Resolution Number 1: Preventing World War III
Preventing World War III
Proclaimed: October 15, 2002
By The Citizens of Earth
Dear Earth Citizen,
I present this UN Earth Citizen’s Resolution to all the Citizens of Earth as a Representative of the People of America. This Resolution has been birthed out of the present perilous spiritual, environmental and social conditions of Humanity. Time is rapidly running out to make the fundamental changes before We, You and I, collectively experience a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. This Crisis has been brought upon us largely by American Citizens’ inaction, arrogance, greed, apathy, ignorance and allowance to be manipulated. For this, I as an American Citizen take responsibility. A path of peace for America is still possible. This Resolution is a pathway for breaking up and out of the logjam at the core of our corrupted system.
In cooperation with the rest of the world, will we, as Americans usher in a time Peace and Rebuilding? Will we assume our sacred roles and our sacred callings? IT IS POSSIBLE. We, United Nation Earth Citizens who stand for Truth, desire that America fulfill its higher destiny.
It is critical to share This Universal Resolution with as many people as possible and in the shortest period of time. The truth it contains is rarely spoken in conversations, for it takes courage to do so in the face of tyranny. And, it takes courage to admit to the deep changes in our personal lives that are necessary. You have been chosen to do this, because you have evidenced concern for the betterment of humanity. Let this new United Nations Citizen’s Resolution be posted on every street corner, in every city of the world...Copy and pass it along. Self-organize locally. Implement the Directives of this Resolution…the bringing of peace and the bringing of freedom from the overhanging death and destruction of the present illegitimate U.S. regime. Achieving this Resolution will take the unyielding efforts of hundreds of millions World Citizens standing strong, unflinchingly fulfilling this task of this time.
Yours Truly,
UN Earth Citizen,
Representative of The American People
Emergency United Nations Citizens Resolution Number 1: Preventing World War III
RESOLVED: Regime Change, What the United Nations and The People of The Earth Must Do
That, rather than adopting the suggested regime change in Iraq through military force, the United Nations enacts an entirely different course of action and that, The People of The Earth insist on this new course of action.
This new course is based upon the facts alone, rather than political pressure. A regime change is indeed necessary, but not in Iraq. The primary regime needing to be changed is the one found in the District of Columbia, Washington. The greatest tyrant and true threat to world peace needing to be ousted is George W. Bush. The Peoples of the Earth are directly threatened with the end of international law and protection of human rights as well as the collapse of the basic conditions for peace, freedom and even physical survival.
The facts are self-evident, clearly showing the need for such a Resolution against the U.S....they demonstrate a “clear and present danger" to the world community. America and its corporate owners is clearly a nation that aspires to global domination, through the use of the most expensive and high tech military the world has ever known.
In demonstration of the above assertions, let us be very clear about U.S.’s 380+ billion dollar a year (!!!!) expense for weapons of mass destruction. These include:
1) Atomic and hydrogen bombs.
2) The "Star Wars" weaponry of space satellites, and laser devices.
3) A host of biological weapons including anthrax, which it has used on its own citizenry and manufactured in its own laboratories.
4) Guided missile cruisers, Stealth bombers and aircraft carriers conveying the most advanced air-based offensives ever to be used in the history of mankind.
5) Depleted uranium munitions, used repeatedly upon countries such as Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, causing massive numbers of birth defects (40% in Iraq) and lingering mutilation of civilian populations. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and The U.S. military fully understand the medical consequences of the 1991 war and the likely health effects of the next one they are now planning.
6) Probable Hyper-dimensional Scalar Technology Wizardry. Evidence for the testing of such extremely dangerous weapons is indicated.
7) The use of spies, covert CIA operatives and other agents, as well as a barrage of propaganda, which seeks to weaken, overthrow and exploit the sovereign nations of the world, primarily for the sake of installing pro-U.S.-corporate puppets that will do Washington’s bidding. The fact that it has staged countless internal rebellions and coups within dozens of countries in the last five decades is well documented and known. The U.S. constantly interferes with, and attempts to coerce, the mandates of foreign governments for the sake of its own special interests, and in the name of “democracy". The real reason for this behavior is, of course, unfair economic advantage and bottomless greed.
8) Manufactures and distributes nerve gas, tear gas, blistering agents, neurotoxins and poisonous compounds of all kinds.
9) "Smart" bombs", "Bunker Buster" bombs, "Daisy Cutter" bombs, mines and laser or satellite guided munitions.
10) Teams of Special Forces troops, whose missions are designed for assassination, covert mass-murder and maximized destruction.
11) The ever-closer relationship and blurring of lines between military and police. The technological development of sub-lethal weapons systems and highly sophisticated population control measures for both police and military -- globalized military policing.
12) The mad doctrine of "full spectrum dominance" championed by the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
The United States possesses, and has openly discussed using, such weapons of mass destruction upon a great number of other nations. Among these nations are those listed in George Bush’s' so-called "axis of evil" list, as well as many others which it says, "harbor terrorists". The so-called "War on Terror" targets Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Columbia, Nicaragua and many others. Upon these nations the U.S. has repeatedly issued a series of very aggressive and threatening statements to the effect of; "You are either with us or against us", implying dire consequences of economic, diplomatic and military measures in the case of non-compliance. It has openly discussed the possibility of a "first strike" use of conventional nuclear warheads, and "tactical nukes" on the battlefield. President Bush now wants to build a whole new class of "useable" nuclear weapons. The Bush administration has revealed plans to greatly expand its nuclear war infrastructure and to prepare for a resumption of testing, to make possible a new generation of warheads. Its' military policy of, "win no matter what the cost of truth or human lives", as a surrogate for sane foreign relations, has earned the wrath of the world. U.S. belligerency has been the major contributor to international hostilities, instability, war and the creation of reactionary terrorist groups, as well as the oppression of peoples worldwide.
Its irrational posture threatens to catapult the world into another, and probably final, world war.
The United States has repeatedly shown its willingness to target civilian populations with weapons of mass destruction, especially via the carpet-bombing of cities and infrastructures. It is the only nation to have ever used nuclear devices in war, and upon civilian targets. Among the structures bombed have been desalinization plants, water treatment facilities, police stations, electrical substations and generators, radar and communications stations, hospitals, highway, railway and other transportation facilities, factories for the manufacture of metal, plastic and wood products, and numerous other civilian centers. Countless examples of this behavior have been witnessed in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan (among other locations). The result has been millions of Iraqi, Yugoslavian and Afghan children dying of unnecessary diseases and malnutrition, due to a severe lack of food, safe drinking water and basic medical facilities.
U.S. allies such as Israel (whose military the U.S. literally makes possible) have also exhibited such behavior, as has Great Britain, through constant urging toward mindless, mutually accomplished war frenzies.
A primary export of the United States is weaponry of mass destruction, including so-called "conventional" weapons such as guided missile cruisers, bombers, small arms, mortars, rockets, tactical advisors, self guided missiles, attack helicopters, high tech surveillance and imaging systems, tanks, explosives and various other tools design primarily for the sake of destroying human life. Added to this list of exports are multi-lingual propaganda, biological agents, tear and nerve gas, atomic weapons and their constituents, as well as technical advice regarding their construction, maintenance and use. The U.S. has frequently hypocritically urged countries to use these weapons against each other so long as it benefited its political interests, while simultaneously criticizing those who use them without American sanction.
President George W. Bush personally incriminated himself under both international criminal law and United States domestic criminal law. The Bush Jr. administration has severely undermined the integrity of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949. By doing this, the Bush Jr. administration has opened up U.S. Armed Forces and civilians around the world to similar reprisals, which has already happened.
The U.S. has repeatedly told its own citizenry to expect involvement in what amounts to a PERMANENT STATE OF WAR, due to the "War on Terror". A large and increasing number of foreign nationals (and U.S. citizens) are being held in American prisons unlawfully, often without charges, legal due process or access to legal counsel. These persons are often subjected to psychological and physical torture due to their nationality, political or religious beliefs. Its' Afghan prisoners of war in Cuba are treated without dignity, in gross violation of the Geneva Convention. At the same time, the U.S. has insisted that its military personnel must be held exempt from war crimes charges by the international community, regardless of their actions. "Enforced disappearances" is considered to be a crime against humanity by Article 7(I)(i) of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. Many of these aliens have been deprived of their basic human rights to consular notification and access as set forth in the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. President Bush signed an Executive Order on 13 November 2001 that is widely recognized to constitute a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions and establishes a prima facie case of criminal accountability against the President himself.
Overt military law and complete control of The Peoples of America is on the horizon. Through its prison system, the U.S. already has the largest slave population in the world. The American Police State has already arrived for People of Color. The United States repeatedly defies the resolutions and authority of the United Nations, with contempt, making it clear that it views this body as merely a tool which can be occasionally used to achieve its special interests, rather than those of humanity in general. The U.S. has also made it quite clear that if the international community and the United Nations do not meet its desires, it will act on its own regardless of their wishes, and in whatever manner it sees fit. This includes pre-emptive military invasion of any country that dares to oppose its policies, and for whatever flimsy, baseless justification it gives to the world as an excuse for such actions.
The international community must seriously ask itself, "Who's next?" in this series of U.S. invasions of sovereign lands. "Who will die next...by the thousands, tens of thousands or millions..." at the bloody hands of U.S. imperialism? It is recognized that the current U.S. regime is leading the United States and all nations toward a lawless world of endless wars.
FOR THESE REASONS, this United Nations Citizen’s Resolution has been created for the purpose of disarming and otherwise rendering harmless, the major threat to world peace that the United States has become. We must insist that our sovereign nations as well as international organizations-- such as the European Union, the African Union, the OAS and the Arab League adopt this resolution. Toward this end is the necessity of ousting its current dictator, George W. Bush, and the legislative bodies of that government that currently parrots him without serious debate. This is self-evident. The functional means necessary to achieve this goal are hereby suggested. You are hereby empowered to execute the following course of actions. They include but are not limited to:
1) Economic sanctions and trade tariffs, aimed at undermining the U.S. economy, thereby depriving its monstrous military apparatus of the necessary lifeblood to function.
2) The insistence of a complete withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from wherever they may be stationed around the world. This includes U.S. occupation forces already in conquered countries, (such as Afghanistan).
3) The elimination of world petroleum exports to the United States, as well as the necessary raw materials that make its industrial-military apparatus possible.
4) The withdrawal of foreign investment in U.S. companies, and their various enterprises. This includes the canceling of existing contracts with U.S. companies, especially those involved with the extraction of petroleum, the mining of precious metals, deforestation, sweat shop industries of clothing, plastics, electronics and other manufacture, as well as other vital resources from lands not within their territorial domain.
5) Those U.S. military and civil leaders, especially George W. Bush and his entire cabinet, are brought to justice for their heinous participations in war crimes and crimes against humanity the world over, by the international courts. World leaders must understand that no one country can both make the rules and break them, when it comes to international justice.
6) The use of joint military force if necessary, to curb, restrict and otherwise prevent the American advance toward world domination. America must be deprived of what it most desires, which are the resources of others to fuel an extravagant lifestyle, and the support of bribed or bullied foreign leaders to accomplish a singularly selfish, unilateral agenda.
7) Boycott large U.S. corporations. Withdrawal of funds from their financial markets and banks.
8) Invest in Life. Buy Local. Simplify. Use your wealth for the accomplishment of this work. American Citizens, pay no more taxes. There will then be no more support for their global death machine. Repudiate your debt slavery. Live for peace and the victory of this climatic Resolution. Organize together a life based on Truth and Mutual Empowerment. Stand for Goodness. Express Love and Grace. Tell the Truth.
9) Creating Debt-free, Interest-free, Non-fiat currencies based on the wealth of local systems.
10) Distribute Copies of This UN Citizen’s Resolution everywhere. Talk about it. Synergize together a plan. Evolve It. Be Creative. Bring together your religious and social groups to discuss, support and implement this Resolution. Share sources of information with those who do not yet know the truth and facts. It will take the work and sweat and service of millions of people to resolve this Planetary Impasse. WE must Act as if there is building massive support for this Resolution. Do not let fear be used as a weapon against you and your efforts. This Resolution is a tremendous opportunity to leverage our efforts for peace and social justice. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to produce uncommon results.
11) The choice as to whether we have a global holocaust or not will be made by the American People. To this end, we must force compliance in abandoning support for its government’s present insane course of action.
In effect, the United States and the corrupted system it supports must feel the full pressure of international and personal sovereignty, as it expresses its supreme dissatisfaction with the US imperialism around the globe. The United States must also understand that its anti-humanitarian, corporate-minded, industrial-military schemes for global dominance are nothing short of those employed by Hitler, and other fascist dictators and governments throughout the course of history. Constantly declaring war and occupying one country after the next demonstrates this.
The international communities and the peoples of the entire world, including many millions of Americans find this U.S. attitude and behavior unacceptable. They will no longer be coerced or made to feel insecure in their own places of residence and worship, at the behest of U.S. whims.
We Will Do Whatever It Takes To Reclaim International Sanity
People of The Free World
United Nation Citizens
Representatives of The American People
Forward this UN Citizen’s Resolution to Your Government Officials, United Nations Representatives, Media Contacts, Religious and Activist Groups and Friends Worldwide. Make Copies of this Resolution to Post and Distribute Everywhere. Encourage others to do the same. Talk about it on the Radio. Network It. Translate this Resolution into all languages. Multiply this Resolution a “100 times a 100-fold” until it reaches Across the Earth.
A copy of this Resolution can be found by searching any search engine for, “Emergency United Nations Citizens Resolution Number 1: Preventing World War III.”
Please mirror and distribute this Resolution widely.
Resolution Priorities:
We recognize the positive side of this United Nations Citizen Resolution. With the U.S. military expenditures of one year, all of the following and more could have been accomplished.
- Eliminate Starvation and Malnutrition for The Billions ($19 billion)
- Provide Shelter for All Humans ($21 billion)
- Remove Landmines Globally ($4 billion)
- Build Democracy in All Countries ($3 billion)
- Eliminate Nuclear Weapons from the Earth ($7 billion)
- Refugee Relief for all displaced people ($5 billion)
- Eliminate Illiteracy across the planet ($5 billion)
- Provide Universal Clean and Safe Water ($10 billion)
- Provide Health Care and AIDS Control ($21 billion)
- Stop Earth Deforestation ($7 billion)
- Prevent Global Warming ($8 billion)
- Stabilize World Population ($10.5 billion)
- Prevent Acid Rain ($8 billion)
- Provide Clean, Safe Energy ($10 Billion)
- Energy Efficiency ($33 billion)
- Renewable Energy Development ($17 billion)
- Reverse Ozone Depletion ($5 billion)
- Prevent Soil Erosion ($24 billion)
- Rebuilding the Soils ($5 billion)
- Retire Developing Nations Debt ($30 billion)
Which will you choose? Inaction and denial is also a choice!
Quotes for my fellow American Citizens:
“The planning and institution of a modern version of the East German Secret Police is underway in the U.S., under the guise of Homeland Security. If the American People permit the Bush Regime to impose a Police State at home in the name of furthering Pax Americana abroad, we will have deserved it by abnegating our responsibilities as Citizens living in what is supposed to be a constitutional Republic with a commitment to the Rule of Law. The same thing happened to the Romans and to the Athenians. The United States of America is not immune to the laws of history.”--Francis A. Boyle, Professor of Law, University of Illinois
"There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old system and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one." -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513
"When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty." --Thomas Jefferson.
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The People of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." -- Abraham Lincoln
"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight." -- President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination.
“The Healing of the Sickness in our Soul will not be finished with the ousting of the worst sort at the top. We, as The American People, have much to redeem and true power to reclaim and much for which to make amends. I pray the World shows us more Mercy than we have shown the World. And, may God have Mercy on our Soul.” – An American Citizen
"There is an enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing.” – Viewpoint of hundreds of millions of UN Earth Citizens
"America has a Higher Destiny. As with generations past, our destiny can take us to places we have never been, or can only imagine. Places of peace. Places of plenty. Places of hope. Places of love. We have a right to live our ideals. That is our birthright. We should not trade it for the pretensions of empire. Nor for delusions of grandeur, nor for all the gold in Fort Knox, all the tea in China or all the oil in Iraq. America has a Higher Destiny." - US Representative Dennis J. Kucinich