Machete-wielding Idaho man breaks through door before tenant shoots him
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In a new video making its way throughout the internet, a man defends his home with a firearm from a machete-wielding madman who literally kicks through the door to attack his neighbor. Luckily, not only was the man able to defend himself against the madman with a firearm, but was also able to capture the ordeal on camera, eliminating any potential for doubt when later asserting self-defense.
In Pocatello, Idaho, apartment resident James Cvengros shot his neighbor Twain Thomas when he kicked through the door and came towards Cvengros with a machete. After warning Thomas that he had a gun and that he would shoot him, Cvengros opened fire on the intruder and the video goes black as we hear the moaning and wheezing of the critically-wounded intruder.
Thomas had previously kicked-in the door of Cvengros and his girlfriend after Thomas alleged that Cvengros was playing his music too loudly. Thomas was cited for unlawful entry.
Cvengros soon purchased a 9mm handgun after Thomas continued making threats. “I decided that it was my responsibility to protect myself and my girlfriend,” Cvengros said.
“Before this, my mom was absolutely anti-gun. Not anymore,” Cvengros claimed
After being shot, Thomas admitted to Cvengros that it had been his intention to kill him with the machete.
The below video captures the moments in February when Cvengros heard Thomas breaking windows in his own apartment. He started recording to document the series of events and Thomas soon broke into a neighboring apartment and the tenant can be heard screaming in the video.
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“As good Christian people, we know it’s wrong to kill,” Cvengros stated. “But we all have the right to defend ourselves.”
Thomas was sentenced to a 10 year fixed prison term and a 10 year indeterminate prison term.
What the below video illustrates, however, is that the world is a dangerous place and while we all hope to never encounter trouble, it’s clear that we should be prepared for those who do not care about law and order and may step to citizens with murderous intent.
As human beings, we all possess a right to self-defense and Mr. Cvengros is a shining example of what a “good guy with a gun” can do to save lives.
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Stephen Brewer says
January 20, 2015 at 5:48 am
Not Disturbed. —- Interesting how people who are so willing to severely injure others can be so whinny when they themselves are injured.
Robert says
January 20, 2015 at 6:27 am
Good shoot. You never want it to go down that way. This man did what he had to do to protect his family and himself.
Mark Thorn says
January 20, 2015 at 6:35 am
Good kill. Get him off the planet.
Mike Gilmer says
January 20, 2015 at 6:39 am
The usual liberal apologists will now come out from under their rocks and make excuses for this thug. Let me guess: He was a good boy who was just starting to turn his life around, or he had a history of emotional problems, or he was a victim of white racism, or it was the Tea Party and George Bush’s fault, or this is all because of lax gun control laws, but NEVER that he was a feral street thug and that the world is a better place now that he is in a prison cell.
Richard Lewis says
January 20, 2015 at 7:30 am
Nice to see good triumph over evil for a change. to bad there’s more evil coming all the time. We all need to be prepared to defend ourselves.
jon says
January 20, 2015 at 7:53 am
What kind of rat shit apartment uses interior grade doors on an entrance anyway? Dude was completely in the right to shoot that guy…
tim davis says
January 20, 2015 at 8:27 am
its not a disturbing video the guy was a nut he deserved to be shot. I just wonder why that guy had a camera mounted to video his door?? Was this a set up video?? My idea is it was kind of staged. If not I hope the nut with the knife died.
Don Shilling says
January 20, 2015 at 8:39 am
That is nothing more than an amateurish set up. No one was hurt filming this farce.
Ogrrre says
January 20, 2015 at 9:40 am
For those who think this might be fake, the Idaho State Journal is a real newspaper, so you can go to their website and look for this incident to verify or falsify the incident.