Clive, IA -(Ammoland.com)- Today Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Dist. 17) formally introduced HSB201.
This bill, drafted with the aid of the Iowa Firearms Coalition, the National Rifle Association, and the American Suppressor Association, is the largest and most ambitious pro-gun owner bill in Iowa’s history.
Most notably HSB201 would allow Iowans to own firearms suppressors. But the bill also updates several of Iowa’s other firearms laws. If passed HSB201 would:
- Update Iowa’s concealed carry law to move the retraining requirement to every 10 years instead of every 5.
- Simplify the concealed carry permit renewal process and allow a 60 day window to renew.
- Remove the “permit to acquire” mandate for handgun purchases (FBI NICS program would still be used for purchases).
- Remove the age restriction on minors shooting while supervised by a parent or guardian.
- Make it illegal to share any identifying information about any of Iowa’s concealed carry permit holders.
- Strengthen penalties for anyone caught making a straw purchase.
- Make all permits across Iowa uniform in appearance.
Currently residents of 39 other states are free to own suppressors. These accessories work just like a car muffler to reduce noise pollution and hearing loss. If legalized in Iowa, suppressors would still be regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). Anyone purchasing a suppressor is required to undergo an additional Federal background check, pay a $200 tax, and join a BATFE registry.
For comment or more details about legalizing suppressors, or any of the other measures included in HSB201, please contact IFC President Barry Snell at: 563-506-3600.
About Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, 2nd Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance 2nd Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on 2nd Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.
For more information, please visit www.IOWAFC.org.