This One Picture Shows Why You Absolutely Must Own a Gun: ‘He Was Allowed to Drive Away Alive’
Mac Slav
‘He was allowed to drive away alive’ Image taken by Heather Head, Twitter
If you still had any doubts as to why the 2nd Amendment must be protected, and why self defense must be respected as the priority that it is, then just take a look at what happened during the already insane riots taking place in Charlotte.
Despite large cadres of riot cops on scene and North Carolina’s Gov. McCrory declaring of a state of emergency and calling in the National Guard, no one was able to protect the dozens of innocent bystanders who were beaten, attacked, intimidated and knocked over just because of the color of their skin or the fact that they ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Numerous individuals and several journalists were targeted for physical attacks after the protest devolved into riots. At least one white man was dragged into a parking garage and beaten. One of the protesters was shot. Rocks and other objects were thrown, and the entire thing got out of control.
There’s little doubt that the authorities wanted to maintain order, but it wasn’t possible. And people got hurt.
But one person who wasn’t hurt by the violent and temporarily insane mob in downtown Charlotte was this guy:
While it is true that he brandished the weapon illegally according to North Carolina laws, when it came down to a confrontation with the mob, this guy got respect where others caught up in the scene did not.
Despite being angry at the world and lashing out at just about everyone, these protesters respected only those who were prepared to defend themselves.
Here is what North Carolina law stipulates:
- You may not carry a weapon at a parade, funeral procession, picket line, or other demonstration, except for guns carried on a rack in a pickup truck. (N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 14-277.2.)
- You may not carry a weapon during civil disorder, riot, or other disturbance involving three or more people. (N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 14-288.20.)
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/this-one-picture-shows-why-you-absolutely-must-own-a-gun-he-was-allowed-to-drive-away-alive_09222016