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Aug. 31, 2014

When conservatives think about states that honor the Second Amendment right of all Americans to keep and bear arms, they most likely think primarily of states in the West and Deep South–states like Texas, Arizona, or perhaps North Carolina.

But a surprising number of Democrat strongholds farther to the north, as it turns out, can be just as adamant when it comes to defending their gun rights. Citizens of New York, for example, have defied the a new law requiring gun registration, and local sheriffs have refused to enforce it. Connecticut residents staged a huge protest against gun regulations at their capitol building earlier this year. And a national pro-gun organization has won legal victories in such left-leaning states as New Jersey and California.


Now a new report proves that Maryland deserves as spot on that list, as well.

According to a short video available from The Center for Public Integrity, Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis has vowed never to allow the government to impinge upon the Second Amendment rights of his citizens.

“I made a vow and a commitment,” he says. “As long as I am sheriff of this county, I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of the right to bear arms.”

Lewis says he understands that steps must be taken to keep guns out of the wrong hands. “We need to get guns out of the hands of convicted felons,” he agrees, saying that a “gun in the hands of any bad person” is obviously dangerous.

Click here to learn why one American gun maker challenged Attorney General Eric Holder directly to his face.

That’s a different matter from prohibiting legal gun ownership, however. “[W]e do not need to strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. That I get upset over. I really do.”

The video concludes with Sheriff Lewis’s prediction of what would happen if the federal government attempts to confiscate all guns. “I can tell you this,” he says, “if they attempt to do that, it will be an all-out civil war. No question about it.”

A determined effort by the federal government to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens can only mean one thing, and it’s the same thing it means whenever a government anywhere around the world has attempted to control all firearms. It means that the right to bear arms is only the first right that the government is preparing to strip from the American people.

No question about it.