Turning the tide
Dudley Brown
Just hours ago, President Trump signed House Joint Resolution 40, otherwise known as a full repeal of the “Social Security Gun Ban.”
This marks the beginning of the end of the Obama gun control era, and is a big victory for the National Association for Gun Rights whose members led the opposition to the Obama rule.
Together, we’re taking our country back from the gun-grabbing extremists, and President Donald Trump just finalized our first step at doing that.
This is great news to any American who cherishes their Second Amendment rights.
Patrick, I want you to understand -- we just came from an eight-year period of constant assaults on our Second Amendment rights, and I don’t know about you, but it feels great to finally go on offense.
This is a great first step that we have achieved together, but there is still a lot to do.
You may remember a few weeks ago when I emailed you about my staff delivering tens of thousands of your pro-gun agenda petitions to President Trump.
This is one of the concrete items listed, and proves that President Trump is listening to us.
But there are still a number of items on the agenda that we must work together on in order to complete them this year, including confirming pro-gun Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and removing the U.S.’s signature on the U.N.’s disastrous “Small Arms Treaty.”
On top of those items we still should not discount any possible threats, including the weak-kneed Republican-lead “No-Fly, No Buy” database legislation that we defeated last year.
The best way to push back against that scheme is to continue to work to advance our pro-gun agenda, because experience has shown us that the best defense is a good offense.
Patrick, I want you to know that today’s win was only possible because of you and the millions of other National Association for Gun Rights members and supporters who have stood with us through the years.
And with your continued support we will let billionaire gun grabbers like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg know that this is OUR country, and that their gun control is not welcome here.
To help us send that message, please click here to chip in $10 or $20.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. Just today, because of your support, President Donald Trump sent a clear message to the gun-grabbing extremists trying to crush our Second Amendment Rights.
He put his final signature on the repeal of Obama’s last minute Social Security Gun Ban!
This is great news to any American who supports the Second Amendment, and was one of the main items on the Pro-Gun Agenda that NAGR supporters signed, and that we delivered to President Trump just weeks ago.
With enough support, we can repeal every piece of gun control that Obama rammed into law during his eight year reign.
So please click here to chip in $10 or $20 to help us do that.
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