Ray Lautenschlager
“Be terrified!”
That was radicalized Islamic terrorist Ehab Jaber’s threat against people attending a Christian conference in Sioux Falls.
Then he brandished five firearms and broadcasted his threat against God-fearing South Dakotans on Facebook Live:
“If you want to be really scared, be scared, be f------ terrified!”
The only thing that scares me is that the conference where he protested was full of people who could be disarmed.
As long as law-abiding South Dakotans are forced to beg government permission to defend themselves, radical Islamists like Jaber will have the upper hand.
Every man, woman, and child in that event center was either powerless to stop anything this extremist might have tried or may try in the future, or had to beg for a government permission slip.
It’s not because South Dakotans aren’t pro-gun.
It’s because anti-gun politicians like Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether and Governor Daugaard care more about disarming South Dakotans than they care about the safety of your family.
Make no mistake.
We will never be safe until we restore our God-given right to self-defense by passing Constitutional Carry.
And if you think law enforcement will always be there to protect you, think again!
Jaber remained at large for 12 days after the incident before being arrested on terrorism charges.
Not only that, but after arresting him, the police found methamphetamine in his apartment, showing just how dangerous it is to be disarmed in Sioux Falls.
With the ongoing rise in meth abuse in Sioux Falls, I don’t want to see our state facing big-city anti-gun policies, too.
Every year the statistics demonstrate that gun control invites crime.
As long as anti-gun politicians like Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether and Governor Daugaard continue forcing us to beg permission to carry a firearm, terrorists and junkies will know that South Dakotans are vulnerable.
And the only way to stop this anti-gun agenda in South Dakota is to pass Constitutional Carry.
If you want to be prepared to defend your loved ones against all threats, please take action to pass Constitutional Carry.
After you’ve signed your petition, I hope you will consider chipping in $20 or even just $10 to help SDGO continue this fight for the Second Amendment.
Thank you for standing with us!
For Freedom,
Ray Lautenschlager
Executive Director
South Dakota Gun Owners
P.S. “If you want to be really scared, be scared, be f------ terrified!”
When a radicalized Islamic terrorist like Ehab Jaber brandishes firearms at anyone who disagrees with them, I’m shocked to think of how many law-abiding South Dakotans are being disarmed.
As long as citizens are forced to beg government permission to defend themselves, radical Islamist terrorists like Jaber will have the upper hand.
Then, please consider chipping in $20 or even just $10 to help SDGO continue this critical fight.
Thank you for everything you do.