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Warning ! Governor of Colorado About to Give Secret Service Power to Arrest SHERIFFS !

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April 5, 2013

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The Governor of Colorado has no lawful delegated authority to do such a thing. Furthermore, what does this tell you about the Secret Service? "That they also have no lawful delegated authority to do it either". So if the Governor doesn't have it, and the Secret Service doesn't have it, then what you have is a game of liars poker, which every county Sheriff in Colorado should take action against by forming a posse, arresting the Governor, and if found guilty of treason against the State Constitution, then quickly executed.

If more Sheriffs started doing this it would send a clear message to the States to stop playing games with the higher seated counties, and to focus on what the the States job is to start with, which is very little, and none of it having to do with police powers or enforcement. All peace keeping is done at the local level, with only a local Sheriff to do it, and never with Unlawful Metro Police Departments, or the Governors personal standing Army of tax collectors, commonly referred to as "The Highway Patrol", AKA Highwaymen, Pirates, Robbers, and shake down artist.