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The Voice of the White House for December 1st 2006

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these ancient and bloody feuds but apparently Bush and his Likud friends were not when they created a huge disaster by removing Hussein and his control over both sides. In the first place, Bush was determined to have his war for as number of reasons.

The first was to give the finger to his father , the second to please his oilmen family friends by grabbing control over the largest known reserves of the world’s oil and lastly, to accommodate his Israeli-controlled Neocon supporters.

That he has utterly failed in all three areas seems to have eluded him and poor Karl Rove is absolutely certain that the American people will realize their terrible mistake in throwing out the Republicans, and will vote them back into power again so they can rape, loot, pillage and reestablish a new police state in 2008.

There have been strong rumors here of a CIA-sponsored military putsch in Iraq with the idea of establishing a military dictatorship that would be friendly to Bush and his people (but certainly not the evil Democrats), but events in Iraq have erupted with such violence that a coup is probably not possible. All we can do to prevent a huge loss of U.S. military life is to withdraw as soon as possible. Once the two bloody factions have butchered each other in a quest for absolute control of Iraq, they will immediately turn on us with a great fury and at this point in time, they are heavily armed and there will be no stopping them.

The potential for a regional war involving (possibly) Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia is certainly not out of the question.

But Bush will not budge one inch on this. It is his last and desperate attempt to hold on to his created manhood and he is psychologically incapable from retreating.

Unfortunately, Bush has the nuclear football and can launch whatever military action he wants, without any oversight from Congress or the military and given this, and the magnitude of the storm he has created, and coupled with his obvious fury at losing control of Congress, it would be better for all of us if he either voluntarily left the White House before his term is up in 2008 or was removed from the levers of power (and the suitcase with the nuclear launch codes) by those more sensible than himself.”


The Green Zone Follies

Baghdad, November 29th 2006: “This area is a zoo right now and a very dangerous zoo what with gangs of hungry tigers and leopards roaming the streets, eating everything in sight. There is, is spite of Bush’s denials, a terrible civil war exploding around us. For the time being, the Muslims are slaughtering each other, blowing up each other’s mosques, setting the other side’s worshippers on fire, machine gunning women and children on the streets and setting off so many car bombs that at night it sounds like the Fourth of July in Kansas City but much, much louder. You can read a newspaper at midnight by the light of the burning buildings and the stench of burned flesh, rubber and other things. Our bases out in the boonies are in real danger of being overrun by furious fighters and the soldiers slaughtered, so hyped up are the various factions. Bush has said he will never leave, no matter what — so morale here is tanking worse than the dollar and the dead and wounded GIs are piling up on the airstrips not under occasional mortar fire awaiting evacuation to safer regions. The current Iraqi government has absolutely no control over the warring factions and has to walk a narrow line to avoid being slaughtered by some splinter group no one has ever heard of. Even senior officers are frightened by the insane violence (religious wars are absolutely the worst), and a number of the brass are fleeing to safer areas via friends in the Pentagon. I have tried for three months to get my sorry ass out of here but I don’t have Point buddies with stars in DC so I will have to stay until an end that is surely coming. Pray for me!”