Was the Iraq War Worth It?
Ilya Sheyman
George Bush doesn't get it. Unfortunately, he's not alone. Last week, a study found that only 28% of Americans can even estimate the number of soldiers who have died in Iraq.2
But, you know better. You are all-too-painfully aware of the costs of the Iraq War. Thousands of lives lost, billions squandered, and countless missed opportunities.
What do you think are the most important casualties of this war?
Are they the economic recession and torture? Civil liberties and civilian deaths? An accounting of the war's costs is long overdue. The media won't cover these costs, but we will.
Together, we'll take this message to politicians and the media in a way they can't ignore. Let's make sure that we never again have a leader who thinks it was "worth it".
Add your voice right now:
Thank you for taking action,
Ilya Sheyman
Online Organizer
1 apnews.myway(dot)com/article/20080319/D8VG83AG0.html
2 pewresearch(dot)org/pubs/762/political-knowledge-update