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NO END IN SIGHT! (video)

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----- Original Message -----
From: O
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:35 PM
Subject: [frameup] "No End in Sight" released now online
To watch this film, whether one has seen it before or not, is enough to bring all the sickness and anger over the invasion of Iraq to the surface again. During the early days of the announcement of the imminent invasion, distressed and in shock, I called a friend at Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, in Washington, who was acquainted with the policy makers and players who had "planned" the invasion. I asked him if he thought they had even considered the miserable failure of the federal occupation of the South after the Civil War--it had lasted as long as 12 years in some states--or considered other military occupations for that matter. He told me, "I guarantee you they have not."
Watching this I can't help but be overcome with anger with all the barbarians in Washington who made the decision to invade Iraq, including every member of Congress, who authorized it, or acquiesced. Besides the genocide of the Iraqi people, which had the United States had begun under President Clinton, these people are all responsible for the cultural genocide of Iraq. It was a deliberate decision in Washington to stand down during the looting and destruction of Iraq's national treasures. How can anyone with a conscience vote for anyone in the upcoming election who authorized the invasion of Iraq. There is no excuse for member of Congress to have authorized that without demanding to see the plan for the occupation and the protection of Iraq's people and national treasures. There was no plan at all, as this documentary reminds us.

Posted on Oct 23, 2008,
No End in Sight

If you haven’t seen Charles Ferguson’s buzzed-about 2007 documentary, “No End in Sight,” and you wanted to, you’re in luck: You can now watch the film on YouTube in its entirety. Thanks, Mr. Ferguson!

No End in Sight’ Released in Full Online