The Shoe Heard Around the World
Karl Schwarz
Sometimes seemingly insignificant events begin to show the truth of a situation. I have talked to many people in the EU and elsewhere over the last several days and to a man, to a woman, they all wished that one or both of the shoes hurled at Bush had hit him in the head, or square in the face. Most think he deserves that and much worse.
I knew the EU opinion of Bush was low but it is much lower than I expected. Also, those I am talking to are watching Barky closely and they do not like the unmistakable foul smell developing around him.
Not a day goes by that I do not thank my gracious God that I am not George W Bush, for surely there is a special place in Hell reserved just for him, Cheney, Rice, Blair, etc.
Thank you, Muntadhar Al-Zeidi for standing up as a patriot of the Iraq nation. IF the American people would show such grit and courage this Iraq tragedy could be brought to a speedy end, would have been brought to an end long ago.
The reports are that Mr. Al-Zeidi now has broken arms and ribs. If that is true, I bet Mr. Al-Zeidi sees no difference whatsoever between Al-Malaki and Saddam Hussein. Ponder that for a moment. Ah, yes, freedom and democracy US-style, at gun point, with torture added in for spice. The math is not hard to do; Saddam was put into power by the US as was al-Malaki. Most Americans do not know that =Blackwater USA types protect this puppet government that Bush installed. It is yet another farce, another lie put over on the American people.
Said another way, there is no terrorist threat from Iraq, now or ever. The TERRORISTS are running Iraq and it is the US and their handpicked stooges.
Thousands of Iraqis came out in the streets in support of the man brave enough to hurl two shoes at the man who destroyed his and their nation, George W. Bush. It has gone further than that because Arabs in other lands, long since fed up with the one-sided US-Israel policy in the Middle East have also came out in support of Mr. Al-Zeidi.
Even the Muslim populations in the EU and UK have come out in support of this reporter.
Of course, we have the example of the DNC liars in 2006 who promised to end this carnage, this genocide, this war crime if America would put them in control of the US Senate and House. Yet more lies from the capitol of the United States of America, from the lying antiwar DNC that is just as corrupt as Bush and Cheney, and as wantonly bereft of character and integrity.
President Bush went secretly to Iraq to photo op with his Bush butt-wipes in a farewell trip to America's 51st state. (Of course, with a multi-billion US embassy in Baghdad and many permanent US military bases, the US is planning to stay.)
Of course, Al-Malaki and his US hand-picked cabinet painted the picture that Bush is 'a great friend of the Iraqi people, for delivering them from [the] 'tyranny' of Saddam. I suspect that, off camera, Al-Malaki and Bush probably compared dirty diapers because both of them have been complete screw ups while in power.
Mission Accomplished? Perhaps...if you consider the virtual annihilation of an advanced sovereign nation and the genocide of nearly 2 million of its people as accomplishing something.
Mr. Al-Zeidi saw Bush's visit in a different light and promptly hurled two shoes at Bush, while shouting (reportedly) the following: "This is a farewell kiss, you dog. This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq!"
Maybe something was lost in translation because I hear Bush called much worse things in the EU on a daily basis.
Yes, there are many widows and orphans in Iraq as a result of the lies of George Bush and Tony Blair. That is a given and the end result that lies and war crimes usually produce. Of course, there are also many dead women, dead children, mere collateral damage, but the US does not do body counts. What are dead women, dead children, widows, orphans, etc, compared to Shock & Awe LIES and all of the photo ops that has provided our pompous little Nero, his snarling greedy VP and the Little Black Poodle scurrying around?
While I was still in Budapest, I met an interesting fellow one night. I walked into a small 'non-stop' convenience store to pick up three items. It was late, business was slow and this gentleman and I started talking. He could tell by my accent that I am American. I could tell from his accent that he is Arabic.
That quick stop at the non-stop turned into a three hour conversation and many conversations since that night. He is an Iraqi Christian and barely got his wife and two children out of Iraq. They made it to Syria and from there were granted permission to move to Hungary. Over the months I also met his nephew, a recent university graduate in Germany and now working for a major German corporation.
This Iraqi Christian used to have an air conditioning business in Baghdad. He is a mechanical engineer by training and was making about $75,000 a year, before Bush and Blair lied, many died, and the Iraq economy was fashioned into something akin to what is headed at America.
He now works the all night shift from 9pm to 7am in a tiny store and barely making enough to feed his family. One can see the courage in his eyes and the determination he has in his heart to rebuild his life, without George W Bush.
He was aware that there are many Americans against the Iraq War and what Bush and Blair did. I was the first such American he had ever met. We both made a lasting impression on each other speaking openly and honestly about this tragedy done to his homeland.
It was a valuable lesson to me that the carnage and disruption of lives caused by our President and Tony Blair has caused more damage than either of them will ever admit. These sins cannot be atoned for I think. The killing, the lies that caused the mass death of innocents, the totally upending of lives will echo through the years all based on Bush and Blair misconduct.
I have given this much thought and here is what I believe is part of what is coming down on America like a death blow. I think what has been done has so angered God that His hand is set against the US succeeding at anything until the conduct ends. How can the most powerful nation on Earth fail at all things? God can certainly make such a failure happen.
I have never seen my nation flail away and swing at the wind more times and accomplish less. Something far mightier than the US and George Bush is standing in the way.
I asked this Iraqi Christian what Iraq was like under Saddam. He informed me that the people were happy, gainfully employed for the most part and things were just fine before Bush and Blair appeared with their lies and ruined a nation that was building a future for its own people with its own oil and gas wealth. As he stated, as long as people left Saddam alone he left the people alone.
Unemployment in Iraq is now at 60-80%, depending on where one is located in the ruins Bush and Blair left behind. It was Israel that wanted and demanded that the US and UK 'Gaza-ize' the nation of Iraq and the Iraqi people.
I have written on this before and provided a 1991 comment made by a Zionist Jew Neocon as to why Iraq had to be destroyed. Please pay attention to the words of Edward Luttwak, a known Zionist Jew hardliner who pushes to have any such nations (Iraq and Iran) destroyed.
This was cited in one of my most often requested essays, "Enemies within Our Gates":
""If you refer back to the comment made by hardliner Pro-Israel Neocon Edward Luttwak as to why Saddam must be attacked (in 1991, not 2002), that Saddam was a threat to the Middle East status quo and then compare to Baker's comment regarding Germany being an enemy under "the war was actually only an economic preventive measure" the picture should become a little clearer on what I am trying to emphasize.
"Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eights years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild the war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."
That sounds very much like the reasoning behind why we entered World War I. Germany was building into an economic force that the UK and France did not want to see happen. Certain US parties were involved in helping Germany to build into a military threat in Europe. That also sounds like Baker's comment in Der Spiegel as to why we engaged in World War II as well, as an economic preventative measure."
That essay came out December 10, 2005. Mr. Luttwak was exposed as the Zionist Neocon in the books 'Neoconned' and 'Neoconned Again' - both destined to be classics about the lies that led to Iraq. The mass murder of Iraqis was not only fine with the Zionists, it was encouraged by the same Zionist Jew Neocons pushing to 'Gaza-ize' the nation of Iran next.
As for my new Iraqi Christian friend, he has been offered a job and a good future with our nanotechnology operations if he wishes. About the only job I would give to Bush would be rebuilding Iraq with his bare hands.
Merry Christmas to all... in the US and wherever you live. Remember that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, it is not 'Happy Holidays.'
If you have never done so, read Isaiah 53 during the season. You will understand why that chapter of the Bible and the word 'Christ' makes these Zionist Jews cringe. Their precious Talmud skips over Isaiah 53 as if that chapter does not exist.