March 19, 2003: A day that will live in infamy
Monish Chatterjee
Six years ago, a phony government that stole into the seat of the strongest military power in the world three years earlier by shameful and criminal judicial fiat, launched a criminal, unprovoked attack upon a sovereign nation in complete defiance of world opinion, or the opinion of humanity as a whole (opinions that, not surprisingly, have been proven 100% correct ever since that gruesome crime spree began).
In the collective, sordid aftermath of that criminal act over the past 6 years, the United States has, in many ways, outdone its own previous record of crimes against humanity, spread out over five hundred years across the globe.
Despite despicable efforts to conceal the facts of these gruesome, entirely unaccounted-for war crimes, in this age of advanced communications and information technology, the facts of the resulting genocide, mass-murder and crimes against humanity are out there for the world to see (except for those that have eyes, but see not). The unrepentant Bushco criminals have done everything possible, often quite effectively, to conceal their immeasurable crimes. Here is a small sampling:
(1) Body bags and coffins of dead soldiers were prohibited from being shown in broadcast or print media. Normally, this should be considered insulting to the core of any decent, democratic society. Obviously, this was intended to prevent adverse public reaction to the brutal and needless deaths of the children of (mostly) lower to middle families for the profit of ghastly plunderers in power.
(2) The treatment accorded to the oft-repeated “war heroes” (an expression rendered utterly meaningless by the pious hypocrisy of right-wing, religious-whacko, KKK-lite chicken-hawks that thrive on preying upon the flesh of other people’s children), despite all the parrot-like proliferation of the bumper-stickers and yellow ribbons, from the absence of body armor to the horrors of the Walter Reed Medical Center and elsewhere (recall the words of the Bushco Josef Mengele, Donald Rumsfeld- you go to war with the army you have, not the one you want)- none of this information was available for the public, except when exposed by non-corporate journalists and courageous whistle-blowers.
(3) The duplicity of a shamelessly compliant media. The American media’s active, criminal participation in the grievous war crime of the Iraq Invasion is beyond shameful. It is on the level (and I say this without hesitation) of the crimes chronicled at Nuremberg. Sadly, I see every day that the Western world, rather conveniently, does not see it (or the Anglo-American war crimes here in the 21st century) as such. CBS, ABC, NBC, the New York Times (which many have labeled, understandably, the NY Times, for its role in promoting the ghastly attack), the Washington Post (a pathetic and shocking far-cry from the organization that spearheaded the Watergate investigation), and the cable news propaganda machine (CNN, MSNBC (which fired the one sane voice prior to the launch of the war crime, Phil Donahue, in order to serve its criminal corporate bosses), and of course, the lunatic and frightfully hateful and racist Rupert Murdoch mouthpiece, Fox News)- these are all implicated in enabling and actively bolstering these ghastly war crimes. From these shining halls of journalism emerged such propaganda slogans (sometimes in consultation with their Masters in the government) as Shock and Awe, Operation Iraqi Freedom, War on Terror, Mission Accomplished, and the like.
(4) The devious and criminally clever act of using armed mercenaries and militia in order to augment the available military forces (I would presume that in this the Bushco criminals were wisely attempting to avoid the mistakes committed during the previous massive American genocide in Vietnam). This way, they would not have to deploy 500,000 or more recruits to serve as cannon fodder for their business of murder and profit. After all, unlike Vietnam, without a formal draft in place, chances are that they would not even find half-a-million recruits to carry out the war crimes.
(5) Using various means to run covert operations (including, as now asserted by such leading journalists as Seymour Hersh, assassination squads to eliminate targets in other countries) such as rendition, capturing and transferring citizens of other countries using bribery and other tactics; authorizing torture and other violations of international law. In addition, suppressing possible evidence by erasing vast number of incriminating file records, including emails.
(6) Suppressing civil and Constitutional rights in this country, including the stealthy authorizing of wire-taps (the dramatic episode of Alberto Gonzales approaching John Ashcroft in the hospital to obtain further illegal authorization of such acts, is well documented), suppression of habeas corpus, illegal search and seizure, and much more.
(7) Fabricating unending series of outrageous lies, beginning with repeated use of patriotism, Americanism (i.e., any dissent is un-American), terrorism, security, fighting them over there, and on and on- all the while manufacturing bogus tales of Iraq and 9-11, Iraq and WMDs, Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, Niger and yellowcake, and plenty more. The most heinous part of this is that all this manufactured hysteria did not fool a vast majority of intelligent human beings in the world (except for a sizable number of party loyalists, kool-aid drinkers, and, sadly, a large number of Senate and House Democrats that supported the criminal invasion of another country, and the associated slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings).
Only a deranged or deluded mind-set would call this grievously criminal invasion a war (observe that since WW2, the U.S. has been looking for a worthy opponent to pick a fight with. For a long time, the Soviets provided that “Evil” opponent). However, since 1945, the U.S. war machine has taken on vastly weaker opponents, from Vietnam and Nicaragua, to Panama and Iraq. In any children’s book of fables, such actions of military muscle-flexing, and beating up of the weak, would be classified as the characteristics of a schoolyard bully. In fact, I consider such naked aggression the state-sponsored invasion (and mass murder) of one nation by another. This is what the U.S. has been in the past 60 years, and it is truly ironic that this country as a whole does not feel the slightest sense of shame in designating unilateral attacks upon vastly weaker nations as war. To call the naked attack upon Iraq a war is truly an insult to notions of valor and sacrifice exhibited by humans in true tests of character and resistance against a strong adversary. Even though I consider myself a strong Gandhian in matters of human conflict, and oppose war in principle as an expression of violence that demeans humanity, I still see the contrast between, say, a General Eisenhower, and a privileged, pathetic, cowardly phony such as the executioner from Texas.
For the vast series of destruction, death and worldwide calamities that have ensued in the wake of the illegal and immoral invasion of March 19th, 2003 (A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY IN HUMAN HISTORY- to paraphrase a more honorable American, Franklin Roosevelt), I hold the Bushco war criminals and their collaborators responsible, and well qualified for trials before a World Court. Beyond the direct network of Bushco criminals, the world has a sacred duty to include the following blighted names:
(1) Tony Blair- recommended by none other than Harold Pinter.
(2) John Howard- recommended by John Pilger.
(3) Jose Aznar.
(4) Silvio Berlusconi.
(5) The assortment of lesser collaborators from Poland, Colombia, and other places that participated for the price of a few pieces of silver.
The above blighted names must be, should be, and will be entered in the history books within the annals of mankind’s most grisly and inhuman crimes. Note that the following catastrophic events are all fall-outs of the criminal invasion of March 19th, 2003:
(1) More than 1 million innocent men, women and children in Iraq have died violently as a result of the Bushco war. This number does not even include the almost same number, including 500,000+ children, that died due to vicious U.S. embargoes during the 1990s, and those that died during the previous U.S. invasion 12 years earlier. This is genocide of the highest order, and ranks up there with other genocides either cited by the angelic Allies/West when pronouncing the criminality of others, or committed by the angelic Allies/West in the past. This genocide, committed brazenly and in broad daylight, using corrupt state power, has rendered the tragic events of September 11, 2001 quite meaningless as a symbol of mind-numbing Western audacity.
(2) Close to 4,500 young American men and women that have been needlessly, obscenely sacrificed in the Bushco wars.
(3) A very large number of reporters, journalists, diplomats (including several United Nations envoys) and activists have been kidnapped or murdered, or have died violently as a direct consequence of the Bushco wars.
(4) The subway bombings in Madrid and London resulting in massive loss of life.
(5) The hundreds, if not thousands, of human beings arrested, incarcerated, harassed, or deported without recourse to any legal assistance or without any formal charges.
(6) The continuing state-sponsored crimes in Palestine, including the Gaza strip, and the ongoing abuse of human rights there, including ethnic cleansing and inhuman forms of apartheid via the longstanding collaboration between Israel and the United States. This exclusivist, racist and bigoted operation, which has lasted well over 50 years now, is in many ways the crucible, epicenter, and the eye-of-the-storm of much of the turmoil in the world.
(7) The catastrophic world-wide economic meltdown, with a sizable impact upon the U.S. itself, is a direct consequence of American duplicity in handing power to a band of gangsters and hoodlums in the past 8 years. This criminal gang, in collaboration with a vast network of corporate bandits (beginning with Enron, but truly much, much wider in reach), has wrecked the capitalist behemoth (something that may well be seen as divine justice elsewhere in the world).
(8) Most tragic of all, the Bushco gang-rapists, in conducting their criminal business, were ably aided by the compliant U.S. Congress, and the list of duplicitous collaborators included a very large number of prominent Democrats. The rather razor-thin difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in matters of lubricating the Anglo-American imperial machine- this may well be one of the great lessons of the March 19th, 2003 Bushco wars. For this, in retrospect, we owe a debt of gratitude to Ralph Nader. His well-worn pronouncements regarding the American Duopoly have been, albeit tragically, well vindicated. With friends like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein and (to a non-negligible extent) Hillary Clinton- honestly, who needs enemies? The failure of the U.S. legislature to initiate impeachment, investigations or trials of the massive criminal enterprise that was Bushco, has to be one the greatest Legislative failures in human history. Nancy Pelosi’s repugnant observation, Impeachment is off the Table, in full knowledge of Bushco’s war crimes and unrelenting invasions, must also be permanently etched in the pages of eternal shame, and the Halls of Ignominy, when these events are recorded in history.
When the accomplished trial lawyer and prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, pronounced last year that the criminals of the Bushco enterprise should be hounded relentlessly until justice is done, many, I am sure, felt at least slightly hopeful. Bugliosi had invited at least one state prosecutor to pick up the cause after the war criminals had left their annexed offices. Most unfortunately, the indications thus far, in these early stages of the Obama administration, do not inspire any confidence or hope that justice will be done. Moreover, the U.S. record in these matters is, to put it mildly, dismal. How else is it possible for Henry Kissinger, Eliot Abrams, John Negroponte and the like, to walk around free, and, to add insult to injury, even hold influential offices (from whence they are able to continue their xenophobic, imperial terror tactics around the world).
Organizations such as Code Pink, World Can’t Wait, Impeachment Now, and After Downing Street; individuals such as Medea Benjamin, Cindy Sheehan, Amy Goodman, Jon Stewart, Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Mike Malloy; renegades such as Joe Wilson, John Dean, Scott Ritter, and Bruce Fein- these have at least helped prevent the Bushco madness from pushing civilization over the edge.
However, under the current political system in the U.S., marinated in the insurmountable corruption of corporate and vested political lobbies (in particular AIPAC, but evidently much more), no justice will ever be done. The duopoly must be abolished. The imperial structures, including the wasteful, bullying, terrorizing military-industrial-complex must be replaced by benign and visionary alternatives. If not, then, as history teaches us, the corrupt and sinful American enterprise will collapse under its own weight.
Author's Bio: Monish R. Chatterjee received the B.Tech. (Hons) degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from I.I.T., Kharagpur, India, in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in 1981 and 1985, respectively. Dr. Chatterjee was a faculty member in Electrical and Computer Engineering at SUNY Binghamton from 1986 through 2002. Dr. Chatterjee is currently with the ECE department at the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Chatterjee, who specializes in applied optics, has contributed more than 100 papers to technical conferences, and has published more than 30 papers in archival journals and conference proceedings, in addition to numerous reference articles on science. Dr. Chatterjee's most recent literary essay appears in Rabindranath Tagore: Universality and Tradition, published by FDU Press in 2004. He is the author of three books of translation (Kamalakanta, Profiles in Faith, and Balika Badhu) from his native Bengali. In 2000, Dr. Chatterjee received the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 2005, Dr. Chatterjee received a Humanities Fellows award from the University of Dayton to conduct research on scientific language. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of OSA, ASEE and Sigma Xi.