Iraq Inquiry: Bush Administration 'Discussing Regime Change Two Years Before Invansion
Nov. 24, 2009
Sir Peter Ricketts, who was chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee in 2001, said there was concern in both London and Washington that the strategy of ''containment'' of Saddam Hussain was ''failing''.
Giving evidence at the first public hearings of the inquiry, he said a review of the Iraq policy was already under way in Whitehall in anticipation of the arrival of the new Bush administration.
He said that, in discussions with Secretary of State Colin Powell, it appeared the Americans were ''thinking very much on the same lines''.
He added, however, that others in Washington were already thinking further ahead.
''We were conscious that there were other voices in Washington, some of whom were talking about regime change,'' he said.
He cited an article written by National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice warning that ''nothing will change'' in Iraq until Saddam was gone.
Opening the hearing, the chairman of the inquiry, Sir John Chilcot, called for a moment of silence for all those from the UK and its allies and those in Iraq who had lost their lives during the past six years.
In a short opening statement he said the inquiry was determined to be ''thorough, impartial, objective and fair''.
He vowed that he will "get to the heart of what happened" before and during the war and said that he "will not shy away" from criticising anyone who made mistakes.
Sir Peter, who is now the Permanent Secretary at the Foreign Office, said there were three elements to the containment strategy - sanctions, an incentive to lift sanctions if Saddam allowed the United Weapons inspectors to return, and the "no fly" zones over the north and south of the country.
By 2001, however, he said it was already clear that all three strands were "in trouble".
"By 2001 that containment policy was failing and the rate of failure was accelerating," he said.
Sir William Patey, head of the Middle East department at the Foreign Office in 2001, said Whitehall was aware of talk about regime change in Iraq from some parts of the new Bush administration.
British officials talked about the possibility but decided not to get involved in it.
Sir William told the inquiry: "In February 2001 we were aware of these drum beats from Washington and internally we discussed it. Our policy was to stay away from that."
He explained Foreign Office policy at the time: "We didn't think Saddam was a good thing, and it would be great if he went, but we didn't have an explicit policy for trying to get rid of him."
Simon Webb, who in 2001 was policy director of the Ministry of Defence, said ousting Saddam Hussein was not seriously discussed in meetings British officials held in Washington in early 2001.
He said: "The question of regime overthrow was, I recall, mentioned but it was quite clear that there was no proposition being put in our direction on that."
Sir William also voiced fears in Whitehall that the policies to stop Iraq getting weapons of mass destruction were not working in 2001.
He said: "Saddam was sitting comfortably and the sense (was) that, on the present course, he would eventually escape from the constraints of the containment policy."
Sir Peter added that Mr Powell appeared to be leading US policy on Iraq until the 9/11 attacks.
He said: "Up till then we felt that dealing with the State Department, we were dealing with the people who were forming the policy."
The inquiry heard that those in Washington who supported containing Iraq would have had a stronger argument against the pro-war hawks if the UN Security Council had agreed on a revised list of controlled goods for export to Iraq in 2001.
Sir William said this would "certainly" have satisfied Britain, adding: "It would have been arguable even against the hawks in Washington.
"Colin Powell and the State Department people who supported the containment policy would have had a credible argument.
"I remember conversations with my French and Russian colleagues saying 'You know, if you don't agree to this, where this is going'.
"And each time I remember they always agreed three months too late."