The American Imperialism guided by the successive pro-Israel administration and Jewish lobby groups – has been fooling the world, especially the Muslim world, with lofty slogans such as democracy, liberation of the oppressed women under Islamic Shari’ah (which incidently, bestows more honor, dignity and freedom upon women than Jewish, Christian and Hindu religions and cultures put together) and freedom of thought (incidently, it’s only in the West that challenging Holocaust narration by Zionists, is a crime – while insulting Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad is considered part of “freedom of speech”). However, people under occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are learning in a brutal way that all those lofty slogans were just a ploy to fool the public and local intellectuals to support the new imperial entity being created for the dominance of the Muslim world.
The world may see the killings and displacement of millions of innocent people in the process – but very few know the long-range agenda of the Empir – that’s the ellimination of the intellectual assests of the countries under occupation. For example, nearly 1500 Iraqi intellectuals including scientists and academics were murdered in the early years of American occupation (2003) – 530 of them by Israeli Mossad alone. Mossad has also been involved in the assassination of several Iranian nuclear scientists.
James Petras in his article, titled The Destruction of a Civilization, wrote: “Top Zionist policymakers who promoted the war did not initially directly pursue the policy of systematicall destroying what, in effect, was the entire Iraqi civilization. But their support and design of an occupation policy included the total dismemberment of the Iraqi state apparatus and recruitment of Israeli advisers to provide their ‘expertise’ in interrogation techniques, repression of civilian resistance and counter-insurgency. Israeli expertise certainly played role in formenting the intra-Iraqi religious and ethnic strife, which Israel had mastered in Palestine. The Israeli ‘model’ of colonial war and occupation – the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 – and the practice of ‘total destruction’ using sectarian, ethno-religious division was evident in the notorious masacres at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut, which took place under Israeli military supervision …..”
Petras, who sees Iraq under US occupation as the first step for Israeli domination of the Middle East – has this warning for the Iranian secular intellectuals being used against the popular government of Dr. Ahmadinejad, which supports the Islamic resistance in both Gazzah and Lebanon.
“They should bear in mind that in 2004, educated, sophisticated Iraqis in Baghdad consoled themselves with the fatally misplaced optimism that ‘at least we are not like Afghanistan’. The same elite are now in squalid refugee camps in Syria and Jordan and their country more resembles Afghanistan than anywhere else in the Middle East. The chilling promise of president Bush in April 2003 to transform Iraq in the image of ‘our newly liberated Afghanistan’ has been fulfilled. And reports that the US administration advisers have reviewed the Israeli Mossad policy of selective assassination of Iranian scientists should cause the pro-Western liberal intellectuals of Tehran to seriously ponder the lesson of the murderous campaign that has virtually eliminated Iraqi scientists and academics during 2006-2007″.
The Zionist-funded protestors, in desperation, are using the sacred days of Ashura (10th of Islamic month of Muharram) to refuel the so-called “pro-democracy” protest which has resulted in the death of 10 people so far – not by security service shooting but the foreign agents among the protesters. The people who are aware of USraeli agenda on Islamic Iran – strongly suspect that covert western involvement is helping fund and foment the protests in Iran. The are in effect part of the program to unseat Dr. Ahmadinejad and replace him with a more compliant Iranian government which distance itself from Hamas and Hizb’Allah.
Photo above is courtesy of LA Times.
Posted by Rehmat