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The Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reports that a former Iraqi collaborator has disclosed some of the US activities such as assassinations and bombings in markets that aim at sparking secretarian fighting among Iraqis so as to facilitate the partition of the country. AMSI reported the source as saying that he worked with the US occupation troops for about two and a half years and then was able to flee from them to an area outside Baghdad.
The former collaborator who asked not to be identified, recalled: " I was a soldier in the Iraqi Army in the war of 1991, and during the withdrawal from Kuwait I decided to seek asylum in Saudi Arabia along with others like me. That was how I was recruited into the American forces, for there were US military committees that chose a number of Iraqis who were willing to volunteer to join them and be transported to America. I was one of those," he said.
The former collaborator went on: " In 1992 I was taken to America, specifically to an island were most of the establishments were military. I was with a number of other Iraqis, one of them the former governor of an-Najaf,
Adnan adh-Dharfi. We received military training and intense courses in English and in how to carry out tasks like assassination," he recounted.
The former collaborator said that during the 2003 invasion and subsequent war, he was transported back to the interior of Iraq to carry out specific tasks assigned to him by US agencies.
"During the last war that led to the occupation of Iraq, I was with a group of comrades who had received training in America on how to spread chaos in the ranks of the Iraqi Army. The unit that I was with settled in the presidential palace in the al-A'zamiyah district. My job was being a guard, but after a time that situation changed and the American occupation forces put me in charge of a group of a unit that carried out assassinations in the streets of Baghdad," he said.
"Our task was to carry out assassinations of individuals. The US occupation army would supply us with their names, pictures and maps of their daily movcements to and from their place of residence and we were supposed to kill the Shi'i, for example in [the Sunni district of] al-Azamiyah, and kill the Sunni in [the Shi'i district of] Madinat as Sadr, and so on. Anyone in the unit who made a mistake was killed. Three members of my team were killed by US occupation forces after they failed to assassinate Sunni political figures in Baghdad. A US force that had been so ordered eliminated them. That took place two years ago."
The former collaborator said that the Americans have a unit for "dirty jobs". That unit is a mix of Iraqis, Americans and foreigners and of the security detachements that are deployed in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. This unit doesn't only carry out assassinations, but some of its members specialise in planting bombs and car bombs in neighbourhoods and markets. This unit carreis out operations in which wanted people whom the American Army does not want killed are arrested.
The former collaborator said that "......operations of planting car bombs and blowing up explosives in markets are carried out in various ways; the best known and most famous among the US troops is placing a bomb inside cars as they are being searched at checkpoints. Another way is to put bombs in the cars during interrogations. After the desired person is summoned to one of the US bases, a bomb is placed in his car and he is asked to drive to a police station or a market for some purpose and there his car blows up."
AMSI noted that the testimony of the former collaborator is consistent with some Western reports that have disclosed the involvement of US military personnel in bombings that target Iraqi civilians. The British reporter Robert Fisk, AMSI noted, had recently met with Iraqis in Syria concerning such "black operations" carried out by the Americans.
The Egyptian writer and former editor of Al-Ahram, Muhammed Hasanayn Haykal, also noted in an interview with Al-Jazeera satellite TV that there are mercenaries who practically make up an army second only to the regular US Army in Iraq in terms of their numbers and equipment. This force is now called the "Knights of Malta", Haykal said, and they are the cause of many of the attacks that target Iraqi civilians. Haykal noted that there are Iraqis and Lebanese working in the ranks of that force.
(Source:, 9 May 2007,
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Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:23 PM