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The Iraqi Palm Trees Do Not Snap

Ziad Shaker el-Jishi

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From Shaika Aisha:

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

Across time and space a kiss of respect goes out to former defence minister of Iraq Ali Hassan Al-Majid to land upon his martyrs grave.  He shall forever be regarded as a hero who served his nation well.

Blessings and a kiss of respect are sent to the hero Tariq Aziz for his excellent service to his nation.

Both of these men are the pride of Iraq and the Arab Muslim nation.

Those who arrived in Iraq on the backs of American tanks to murder Al Mujahid Shaheed President Saddam Hussein and his ministers will soon be brought to justice upon the liberation of Iraq from the hands of the Zionist Nazi occupiers. On that day the whole world will become a small place for the traitor puppet government installed by the USA and run by the agents of Iran - have no doubt about it.

Fi Amman ALLAH

from the servant of ALLAH

Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad moh286/ziad_ eljeshi286. htm

The Iraqi Palm Trees Do Not Snap

Ziad Shaker el-Jishi

January 26,2010

The way you can tell if you are correct is look at the way your enemy reacts to you. The former defense minister of Iraq Ali Hassan Al-Majid deputy minister of President Saddam Hussein has now been executed at the hands of the criminal elements of Iran in the puppet government of Iraq.

Prior to this cowardly act, he received his fourth death sentence from the traitor puppet government set up by the Americans and run by Iranian agents.

Meanwhile, Tariq Aziz former prime minister of Iraq has suffered a stroke at the hands of the traitor Iraqi government in his prison and has been transferred to hospital.

When we hear of this news several revelations become clear. One is that the traitor government of Iraq has a long standing hatred of president Saddam, his comrades, and the Baath party they represent.  What is the point of issuing a fourth death sentence to minister Ali Hasan AlMajid ahead of his execution but to torture him as a prisoner! What is the point of imprisoning minister Tariq Ariz and to continue to deny him medical treatment which has been called upon by his family and legal representatives for years if not to torture minister Tariq Aziz!

A second revelation is a political one. The political aim of these maneuvers is to demoralize the Iraqi resistance and Iraqis as well as Arab public support to the Iraqi resistance in what has become one of the most successful of anti-imperialist resistance forces in a short six years since the occupation of Iraq in 2003.

The Iraqi resistance led by the Baath party continues to grow and gain ground as it delivers defeat to the Iranians and Americans in Iraq and to drive them out of the country.

These vengeance acts by the Iran led agents in Iraq is to curb the surge of the Iraqi resistance to victory and its gaining of mass public appeal in Iraq and across the Arab nation.

All this is done in a grand fabrication of lies and trumped up charges related to the Halabja incident which by American accounts themselves was done by the Iranians and not the government of president martyr Saddam Hussein or his deputies.

On the other side we witness the heroism and steadfastness of the prisoners and comrades of president Saddam Hussein which has been unparalleled and a marvel to witness; it  is a lesson taught to many generations of freedom fighters who are watching intently and drawing learning lessons from the heroism acted upon by the men of Saddam- Hero Ali Hassan al Majid and hero Tareq Aziz.

Indeed these giants of men who served Iraq and the Arab nation valiantly and without a quiver are like the million palm trees of Iraq standing defiantly tall and eternal and will never bend or be brought to their knees.

These are the men of Saddam and sons of Iraq, heroes of the Arab nation who will never be forgotten and their example will never be erased from the memory of millions of Arabs and non Arab revolutionaries bearing witness to their acts of heroism and martyrdom today.

President Saddam when he received his death sentence from the kangaroo court that sentenced him said his life will be longer than those who hang him.

His words have come true through the sacrifices of his comrades Ali Hassan Al Majid and Tareq Aziz that we bear witness to today and in the example of the many who fell before them.

These words are also coming true in the great surge of the Iraqi resistance, who will defeat the Iranian and American invaders, and liberate the Iraqi people from the terrorism of occupation.