Sneaking Up On Armageddon
Ken Welch
Indications of planned nuclear war in the Middle East continue to come in. I’ve created a new page to keep the reports all in one place. There are two new reports, and more coming.
Admiral Mike Mullen made a quick tour of our Middle East allies and we found that the purpose of his trip was just as we suspected: To put the finishing touches on war plans. He also admitted, in reversed speech, that the much-touted withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq is a hoax. Obviously, a new war will require more troops, not less.
We also made a nice discovery when ex-ambassador John Bolton appeared on Fox News to tell everyone that the only solution to Iran’s fantasy Nuclear Weapons Program was to attack the country. This is a particularly interesting report for two reasons. First, the fact that the “interview” was a pre-scripted psychological preconditioning exercise is extremely clear. Second, the Fox News anchor demonstrated that he was fully aware that we are going to nuke Iran – something that no one is supposed to know.
You can find these new reports on the "Sneaking Up On Armageddon" page:
My present feeling is that our military planners will want to take advantage of the darkness centered around the March 15 New Moon. However, the best signal would be some sort of unrest or violence that will allow Israeli forces to mobilize before the balloon goes up.
Ken Welch