DRUNK Americans New MASSACRE In Heet
Heet, one of the oldest Iraqi inhabitant towns; from there the Sumerians brought the tar to use it as a conjugation while building the ziqurates, palaces and houses. It was before the occupation one of the most beautiful and peaceful towns on the Euphrates where the huge water wheels were watering the fields.. The Baghdadis used to spend their weekends there; when living was possible in Iraq..
Seven Iraqis were killed by drunk Americans.. For almost 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11; Americans killed till now tens of thousands of Afghanis; 650 000 Iraqis and destroyed Iraq totally.. I asked and will continue asking: why the American’s life is more expensive than ours? While we are the builder of the civilization; the Americans are the grandchildren of the gangsters and criminals who eliminated tens of thousands of the native Americans?.. Bush himself is not only a criminal; he is the real leader of the international mafia..
If a “drunk ‘ MOSLEM will kill an American; could you imagine the Bush war against terrorism would be? Yet, according to this silly pretext; it seems that Bush is always DRUNK..
Damn Bush.. do you think those drunk criminals would be trailed and sent to death? Or they were defending themselves!!!!