Mossad/CIA murdered U.S. troops in Iraq
Federal Jack
From Jan. 21, 2011
(FEDERALJACK) Back in 2006 a story made its rounds through the internet and the worlds media that Israel snipers were killing U.S. Troops in Iraq and pinning the blame on “insurgents” in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continued. After a thorough investigation into this older story there is more than enough evidence to point to the fact that Mossad (with the CIA) is operating inside Iraq and has been for years. I used the original material and new updated info that has come out that proves what it says is true. I rewrote the article and sourced it with links to click on and see the original article that backs up each claim or a video showing evidence backing up each claim. My hope is that more people will see this larger, better sourced article and take this more serious than they did the original back in 2006. On October 18, 2006 Anderson Cooper of CNN showed a video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq. CNN says it obtained the video from a “representative” of an unnamed “insurgent leader.” Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA. Interesting side note, If you go to Anderson Coopers “blog” and look at Anderson Cooper’s Archives you will see that there is a huge missing gap of video from December 2005 – January 2008. That is two years of missing video reports. Interesting that it happens to be the same time this report aired and the same time that the sectarian violence in Iraq was raging and attacks by “insurgents” on our troops increased in number and brutality.