Saddam Hussein And The Stargate
The work of ancient history scholar Zecharia Sitchin has created no small stir concerning the existence and possible return of a mysterious 12th planet within our solar system. This planet, usually identified as Planet X, has an unusual orbit through our solar system that brings it into close proximity to planet Earth every 3,600 years. According to Zecharia Sitchin, the inhabitants of this mysterious planet are primarily responsible for the genetic engineering of civilized man as we know him today. The ancient records of Sumer, the Earthly dwelling place of these "Gods" places both King Nebuchadnezzar and Saddam Hussein in a very interesting position. Babylon, the ancient capitol of King Nebuchadnezzar, and Baghdad, the present capitol of President Saddam Hussein, are both geographically located in the ancient land of Sumer.
Saddam Hussein controls an asset infinitely more important than oil, or even nuclear weapons. He controls access to the temples that house the histories of humanity's origins - potentially, the secrets of stargate technology.
Buried deep beneath the sands of Iraq are the secrets of the Shining Ones of Planet X. Saddam's actions reveal that he knows the political value of these secrets. Saddam is currently engaged in a massive program to convert Iraq into a Disneyland for the Shining Ones. Included in this program is the recreation of ancient Sumerian temples dedicated to the Shining Ones, the copying of ancient cuneiform tablets concerning the Shining Ones, and the retrieval of ancient Babylon's famed Ishtar Gate from Berlin.
If President Saddam Hussein is correct about Planet X, the Shining Ones, the existence of stargate technology on Earth, and the truth about man’s evolutionary history and religion, the effects on modern social and religious conditions worldwide could potentially be devastating.
Investigative Mythologist William Henry has spent over twenty years studying ancient myths and the associations and implications of these myths as they still impact our world today. Mr. Henry, through his research, believes that there is by far sufficient evidence to conclude that Planet X does, in fact, exist, and that its ancient inhabitants did have a significant effect upon the early human inhabitants of this planet, exactly as Zecharia Sitchen dictates in his Earth Chronicles Series. He believes that the inhabitants of Planet X, who called themselves the Shining Ones, wielded not only the secrets of our souls, of our DNA, but also a secret science that surrounds the idea of stargates and wormholes. He believes that this civilization actually constructed stargates and wormholes throughout our galaxy, including our portion of the galaxy. These stargate/wormholes act as a transportation device that links one part of the galaxy with another part of the galaxy.
William Henry goes on to explain that he believes, based on his extensive study of ancient myth, that we are trapped within a protective barrier. Mr. Henry says that ancient myths explain that our souls come from the center of the galaxy, which is also a vast reservoir of a great healing energy, and that they are brought into this protected barrier to attach to human bodies for the growth and development of the soul. As such, we are watched over and protected by the Shining Ones to insure that this objective is accomplished. He states that there is again substantial evidence to indicate that priesthoods were created from these beings that contained very special esoteric knowledge that was to be passed on from generation to generation. Alchemy is one example. He believes that at the time of the Apocalypse, this barrier will open and those who are prepared will be able to venture out into the galaxy. William states that he believes that signs of Planet X's return may already be showing. He further believes that because of the possible cataclysmic effects of Planet X on our planet and on humanity, it may be possible that any indication of Planet X's approach may be withheld from the general public.
The Brookings Report, compiled in 1961 by the Brookings Institute, was intended to serve as a guide for N.A.S.A. on if, when, and how much information should be released to the general public upon the discovery of extraterrestrial artifacts, should any ever be discovered. Its intent was to determine what, if any, the ramifications might be on the social, religious, and economic conditions of the country, should the discovery of such artifacts be made public knowledge. This report apparently covers a very broad spectrum of possible discoveries, including such things as crashed craft, structures and monoliths, either on Earth or elsewhere. On page 215, the report states that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, that have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways: others that survived such an experience did so at paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.”
To many leading extraterrestrial investigators, it appears quite certain that this report is, at least in part, the basis upon which the United States government has kept all UFO and extraterrestrial data highly classified.
If, in fact, the structures and artifacts that President Saddam Hussein and others believe are buried beneath the sands of his nation do exist, there are two very distinct aspects of the threat that his discoveries may pose to our modern world. The first, and by far the most simple, is that the foundation and history of Judaism and Christianity will be seriously undermined. Through the discoveries of many archeologists and researchers, some very controversial such as Zecharia Sitchin, it is becoming more and more generally accepted that the sacred text of these religions may very well be plagiarized myths and stories from a much earlier cultures, including the Sumerians and other even older civilizations. If this is true, and Saddam Hussein can exploit this fact, he can discredit both the Jews’ and the Christians' faith. In doing so, he will essentially rock the very foundation of the two greatest nations opposing his regime, while at the same time strengthening and unifying the Arab Islamic nations.
By far the greatest threat to mankind from Saddam arises from the possibility that he may be getting close to or already possess advanced stargate technology. Whether the ancient records of Planet X are correct or not may not be as relevant as the fact that the Saddam may, in fact, have access to an ancient technology that would allow him to access either some advanced extraterrestrial species who visited here anciently, or just as likely, access technology that would allow him tap into a source of knowledge and power yet unknown to modern man.
There is considerable historical and archeological evidence to indicate that Saddam Hussein is literally sitting atop such highly advanced stargate technology buried beneath the sands of Iraq and that he is quite aware of it. According to Dr. Michio Kaku, a leading authority in Theoretical Physics, a workable formula for teleportation is already in existence on Earth, although it may be another 50 years before we can build a working model. Highly advanced, extraterrestrial civilizations may have developed this same or similar technology thousands of years ago. No one outside Saddam’s most trusted inner circle would know just how far along he is in the understanding, assembly, or use of this technology. However, his recent request to museums around the world for the return of very specific artifacts, his travel agenda and interests, and his re-establishment of Sumer to a very specific former state clearly indicates that he has a very specific goal. Saddam Hussein is expecting contact with Planet X and the Shining Ones, one way or another.
The 2003 absolute determination of President Bush and the inner circle of his immediate executive branch staff seem to indicate a level of commitment to dislodge President Saddam Hussein from power for reasons that appear on the surface unsubstantiated by any other physical evidence of threat by Saddam to the United States. It should be noted however, that substantial numbers of the Bush administration, including George W. Bush and father, former President Bush, have been tied to several organizations with connections to the occult and ancient arcane knowledge and practices. The on-going lack of any discovery of "weapons of mass destruction" or verifiable links of Iraq to the 9-1-1 assault on the World Trade Towers only tend to deepen suspicions that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the occupation of Iraq may be tied to the discovery and/or potential use of such undisclosed advanced stargate technology.