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Blackwater Is Cover Name For "Soldiers Of Fortune Or Mercenaries" !!!!!

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fits? Suppose the medical benefits for the wounded are being withheld also? Amazing!!

We can afford to pay 100 thousand salary, tax free might I add, to each one of these soldiers of fortune, but can not afford proper treatment for our military. Who is in charge of this fiasco? It certainly isn't the tax payers. Yup, must be the Bush Crime Family. Ever see the Godfather Saga? Well, here it is again, only thousands of times worse. Maybe, the NWO gave us fair warning by way of Hollywood and just like always, we failed to get the message. Kind of like "The Lone Gunman" just prior to 9-11. Just a thought!!!

. . . a more bluntly descriptive name for the process they, in denial, call, as if it was a civilized process rather than the wholesale plunder, hit and hit and run, but without really going away anywhere, unfortunately--privatization. there, i finally spat it out...yuck...: Blackwater is only one of dozens of private paramilitary firms that have sprung up in the last decade. As USA Today recounted, "After the 1991 Gulf War, the Pentagon, headed by then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, paid a Halliburton subsidiary, Brown & Root Services, nearly $9 million to study how private companies could provide support in combat zones." And soon after that, as we all know, Cheney resurfaced as the CEO of Halliburton, before later becoming the Vice-President-in-hiding of an administration that seems to have no shortage of work for all the private military companies that Halliburton helped to create.

These companies constitute a rapidly growing and largely unregulated industry that "reaps $100 billion a year worldwide," according to the News Observer. The elite 'security' personnel that work for these firms are paid salaries of up to $25,000 per month. According to both the LA Times and USA Today, some 15,000 of these security workers are currently at work in Iraq, employed by some three dozen private firms. USA Today noted that that makes the mercenaries "effectively the second-largest armed component of the coalition." The troops of our closest ally, the UK, are outnumbered roughly two-to-one by the soldiers-for-hire.

And who, you may be wondering, foots the bill for all those thousands of well paid mercenaries? The American taxpayers, of course. As the Los Angeles Times noted, "The vast majority of their work in Iraq is government-funded, either through direct contracts with government agencies or indirectly as security for firms that have contracts to help rebuild Iraq ... These days, almost every Western organization working in Iraq has private security."

In other words, a huge percentage of those multi-billion dollar 'reconstruction' contracts that Team Bush is handing out will go toward providing 'security' for the companies being awarded the contracts. Of course, no one seems to want to talk about why corporations conducting legitimate business enterprises would need their very own paramilitary goon squads to conduct that business.

The private security business "is booming, security experts said, because a surge in violence has come precisely as a flood of contractors is poised to roll into the country now that $8 billion in U.S. contracts have been awarded." So said the LA Times. And why do you suppose that is? As a general rule of thumb, people do not usually shoot at those who are working to provide for their well-being. They do, however, shoot at those who come to exploit their resources and slaughter their families.

