Gas Prices? It's The War, Dummy
Pharisee Watch Editor, Apr 25, 2006
The administration and every elected official in both parties is trembling in fear that you will figure out what is causing the $3.00 gas prices... that you will wake up to the most simple and obvious of truths, that war drives up energy prices.
Iraq is the 2nd largest reserve of oil in the world, and its productions is now only 50% of what it would be if we had stayed at home and let them sell oil into the world market.
Washington is a place we send congressmen to perfect the art of lying. They all voted for this war, and they are leaving us in the dark because they want to be re-elected in November. Read: WHO GUARDS THE OIL WELL GUARDS http://www.straitgateministry.net
SUDAN, THE RIGHT STORY With The Wrong Spin; it's also about Oil
Pharisee Watch Editor, Apr 25, 2006
The new war in Sudan is probably about its oil wealth, as was the old war in Sudan, waged for 20 years by John Garang down south, by Kenya. The old war was sponsored by the US government and promoted by the anti-Islamic Celebrity Christian-Zionists media which falsely crucified the government of Sudan every day for trading in non-existent "slaves." The Mailorder missionaries were in it for the millions they raised on the slave hoax; our government was in it for the oil.
We don't think this has changed. Read, Missionaries, Mercenaries, Missiles and Money, the untold story of the war on the children of Sudan, also
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