FALLUJAH - America's Waterloo
By Linda Gale Nolen
My memory went much farther back in time. I use Waterloo for the purpose of comparison not of events in Iraq but of choices that people made throughout history. And why those choices brought us to the dire straits, in which, we find ourselves today.
Recently, and continuing today, we are bombarded with news and opinions of the atrocity on-going in Fallujah. Many learned men and women have already written articles stating facts and opinions and possible future outcomes due to the slaughter of the innocents and the leveling of that city.
To what purpose can these actions be justified? http://slantleft.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=&topic=24
None, by anyone with a conscience. But, then the rulers of America either don,t have consciences or have succeeded in turning the volume down or off. They surely don,t hear them and they refuse to hear anyone else,s who are listening to theirs.
Fallujah is not just a Waterloo for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rove, Rice and the others running our country into the dark ages. No, it,s actually a Waterloo for all Americans. It,s also a Waterloo for all of those leaders and those citizens of the countries who are aligned with The Bush Pirates.
And, by the way, we all keep saying "Bush" when we know he is not even involved in planning anything. He is merely the ventriloquists "Dummy", (as the wooden puppet propped upon the ventroloquits' laps used to be called) capable only of the movements which the ventriloquists' controlled.
Oh, in reality, we hear the Bush voice, see the Bush facial expressions, the body moving and often the body twisting, revealing his total confusion as he waits for the words he needs, sometimes delayed coming into his ear from his 'ventrioloquist'.
And, yes, they do allow him to babble his own disjointed thoughts, and then scramble to mop up the mess he causes with his oral diarreah.
I realize that some of you reading this may not be familiar with Napoleon,s Waterloo. Perhaps you would benefit by looking at that historical account now. Especially, now, since there is no doubt we too have arrived in Waterloo.
The internet is chockfull of information about the mega maze of our dilemma and many suggestions for ways to get out of it. However, electing anyone who is in the political arena now is not going to lead to the way out.
We have arrived in Waterloo. How can we avoid what Napoleon did not? Why was it that he went so far when he was also warned it was a bad idea?
Historically, and sadly, we have always been a species who kill the messengers. This is still happening today. As the wise man who wrote Ecclesiastes told us, "there is nothing new under the sun. This knowledge ought to be an asset and a pivotal one for ending the cycle of repeating mistakes clearly recorded for us in hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of books and articles published throughout recorded history.
If we look the other way now, we cannot break the cycle. Do you know what that will mean for us in America and those around the world? If you have to ask what it will mean, you also wouldn,t understand the answer, never mind believe it. If you do understand it, then you know that as bad as our situation is today, all it takes is the will of the people who want to break that cycle to choose to never give up the effort. It can be done, but we are in an uphill struggle.
The struggle is not with a far off enemy. It is the enemy within our own country. It is also the fear, and the doubts plaguing even those of us who know we,ve been and continue to be lied to and manipulated by the criminals who hijacked our country.
The other day, in mainstream news, it was reported that John Kerry is wooing the 18 to 24 year olds. Tell me, how many 18 to 24 year olds ever even heard of "WATERLOO?
Here's an idea for you. Go out onto your local area streets and ask 18 to 24 year olds "What was Waterloo?" Ask 18 to 24 year olds about any events during their lifetime that didn,t relate to or have an effect on their daily lives. Of course I know there are students knowledgeable of history among this age group, but I also know they are a minority within that age group.
So what better supporters for Kerry, or Bush too, than the young who have never read about ancient history, modern history, or history in the making now. Just so we don,t blame it all on the young, we also know the closed minded, the uninformed and the easily manipulated are found in every age group.
And therein lies the problem.
Combining the young uninformed, the older uninformed, the closed minded, and easily manipulated, we have a very large portion of citizens who will never think breaking the cycle is even necessary. Certainly, they cannot comprehend that it can even be done.
There will always be a Waterloo until we choose to stop the cycle.