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Identify the Enemies of the Ameridan Revolution in the 21st Century with Tom Heneghan

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l investigations which are relevant to a State of New Jersey inquiry involving the use of Ptech Software aka encrypted code breaking technology which fingers the infamous Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis link to 9/11, New Jersey phone companies and the F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Authority).

It can now be reported that the N.S.A. actually set loose an East coast dragnet a.k.a. a spy program on September 10, 2001. Both Mega-MOSSAD agent Michael Chertoff, now head of U.S. Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Justice stooges Paul McNulty and Larry Thompson (former Deputy Attorney-General) have assisted in the obstruction of justice. The N.S.A. ordered the September 10th dragnet after French Intelligence had penetrated the 9/11 plot vis a vis The Wildcard in Toronto, Canada as it connected to the compromised U.S.-Canadian Red-Blue war games and the U.S. Justice Department Red-Blue war games which were mock drills that went live on September 11th. "The Mock Drill Became the Real Thing."

Accordingly, we can now report that there was a direct attempt to spy on the U.S. State Department which had received the warning at exactly 9:05 AM Eastern Standard Time on September 10, 2001.

Muzzled FBI translator Sibel Edmonds had decoded the encrypted messages sent from the The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel to the American Turkish Counsel. The decoded message was the direct 9-11 command order "The time is now, the match is hot." (This was giving the green light to the 9/11 attack on America)

Note: The Weizman Institute in Israel is now used as a cover for Black Ops a.k.a. Ptech Software. In fact, other encrypted codes that were intercepted by Sibel Edmonds were messages from the Weizman Institute to the basement of the F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Authority) a.k.a. the wife of former Senator Tom Daschle (D. S.D.).

It should be noted that Saudi businessman Yassin Kadi along with the U.A.E. and Israeli Zim Corporation, helped market the Ptech Software System to the Pentagon with the financing involving noted Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate Bucket Shop, the Riggs Bank, Washington, D.C.

Note: Riggs Bank was fined for loose rules involving alleged Al Qaeda money-laundering and Yassin Kadi has been listed by the FBI as a major worldwide terrorist suspect. It should also be noted that Kadi had a close personal relationship to U.S. CIA Custodial stooge Ali Mohammed (a terrorist) recently released by the U.S. Justice Dept.

Note: It was indicted White House aide MOSSAD agent Scooter Libby, soon to be pardoned as was his client Marc Rich, that was the liaison between Riggs Bank, Saudi Arabia, The Weizman Institute and the placing of the Ptech Software into the U.S. Pentagon pre-September 11th.

Note: Ptech Software failed to detect the Attack On America but was fully engaged under the command and control of Vice-President Dick Cheney in scripting the 9/11 War Games aka mock drills that became the real thing.

P.S. The current head of U.S. Cyber-Security is now an Israeli double agent Amit Yoran. Yoran, himself a MOSSAD agent, now has complete control over all U.S. National Security encrypted codes a.k.a. Ptech Software. Of course, Yoran received his position post-September 11th, on the recommendations of Michael Chertoff, Douglas Feith and Dick Cheney. Yoran regularly lunches with Scooter Libby.

P.P.S. Tom Ridge, former head of U.S. Homeland Security, actually launched a green quest inquiry of Ptech Software, New Jersey phone companies, and elements of NSA and FBI that had 9/11 problems. This was blocked and obstructed by then Deputy Attorney-General Michael Chertoff aka MOSSAD agent.

PPPS - Ptech, with its headquarters in Bedford, Mass. with links to the U.S. offices of the Weizman Institute in Quincy, Mass. has clearly been used by 9/11 co-conspirators, Marvin Bush, Houston Casualty Insurance (Boston, Mass.) and Bushfraud's third cousin and Year 2004 Electoral College stooge, John Skull & Bones Kerry-Cohen to reap a financial windfall from 9/11.

It should also be noted that Logan Airport in Boston was using Ptech Software on Sept. 11/01 and still does today.

Reference: Congratulations to Morton Kondrake of Fox News. Lets read all this classified info on WMD and the alleged Saddam 9/11 link.

We may get to see the Udday Hussein letter to Russian P.M. Putin on MSNBC rather than have to look at it only on Cloak and Dagger. Plus we may also get to read the French Intelligence warning to America aka the U.S. State Dept. on Sept. 10/01. The direct reference being "the time is now; the match is hot."