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Pentagon Cover-up of Falcon Base Disaster

Peter Fredson

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e Internet.

The original story was written by Brian Harring on this link:

It mentions that on the evening of October 10, 2006 some Iraq insurgents lobbed mortar and rocket round into the U.S. Forward Base Falcon, 13 kilometers south of the Green Zone, Baghdad. There were probably about 3,000 American troops with Iraqi counterparts present. The base was full of ammunition, special fuel, tanks and other vehicles.

The huge stocks of fuel and ammunition erupted into immense explosions that went on for most of the night and were seen by people in the Green Zone. In the morning large planes with Red Cross markings came to take away the dead and wounded. It is asserted that about 300 American troops were casualties and 165 needed medical attention. Most were taken to the U.S. Military hospital at al-Habaniyah, west of Baghdad.

Photos from satellites and aerial reconnaissance showed the base suffers major damage, with immense stores of fuel and ammunition destroyed, plus six Apache helicopters and many other vehicles. Press Observers saw a long line of army vehicle recovery units dragging heavy tanks and carried to a separate base near Baghdad.

The Official Department of Defense statements alleged no deaths and that only about a hundred soldiers were even present to guard billions of dollars of vital equipment. But to report “only two minor injuries” is hard to believe. Especially when a long list of American casualties was posted by Brian Harring

A Russian news source, Novosti Press Agency, in an article The Green Zone Follies, said:

“The installation itself is full of smoking rubble, and fires were still burning the following day. Although it is still very early to be accurate, reviews here of Falcon’s inventory indicate that losses will certainly exceed $1 billion.”

“Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents, U.S. translators and contractors were killed or injured outright or died immediately afterwards en route to hospital or in hospital and over 125 seriously injured, requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries. By accounts, charred and totally unrecognizable fragments of personnel were scattered over an eight block area.”

“122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad.”

Some excellent photos of the damage may be seen at:

Or just Google: Forward Base Falcon.

The Blog: pissedonpolitics had this to say:

“I have been looking at the DoD casualty lists trying to match things up but so far I have not been successful.”

“But there is a problem with that as well. If 300 U.S. Soldiers were killed at Camp Falcon along with another 140 wounded, would the Pentagon and DoD report the numbers? Could they possibly cover up an incident this large?”


The lack of U.S. Press attention is more than worrisome, especially since elections are only a couple of days away. Can Rumsfeld order a complete black-out of the year’s greatest disaster and have the entire sycophant press comply? It happened on October 10th, and not a word has passed any of our major news TV services. Would not the voters want to know? Are they not entitled to know? Is this Bush penchant for secrecy and lies not one of our major problems? This is Shock and Awe in reverse.

Are only Bloggers able to rescue the integrity of our nation? Is there no way that we can be told the truth? Is everything lies, slander, stealth, deceit, and corruption in our Administration?