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Only 3% of Americans Support Sending More Troops to Iraq

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gy, while 6% percent wanted Bush to apologise for his mistakes. A further 7% wanted the President to work with the United Nations to end the violence in Iraq.

Overall only 25% wanted Bush to "stay the course", including the 3% who wanted to tell the President to send more troops to Iraq.

But President Bush was adamant that his decision to invade Iraq was not a mistake.

"I think the people will look back 50 years from now and say, oh, I understand now why they were doing what they were doing, because democracies and liberties help yield peace," President Bush told reporters. "I won't let politics get in the way of making important decisions to help achieve the mission. In other words, we won't let their loved one die in vain. You can look back on any war, and determine whether or not certain tactics could be changed, but the strategic decision, removing Saddam Hussein, was the right decision."