Senators At Gonzalez Hearing Ignored US / Jordan Torture Links And Legislative Junket To Witness 'Anti-terror' Exercises
Washington -- January 7, 2005 -- -- According to an Israeli newspaper, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is holding top Al Qaeda suspects in a top-secret interrogation facility in Jordan while employing "interrogation methods...banned by U.S. law."
The line of questioning regarding recent secret torture of detainees in Jordan was left virtually untouched during yesterday's Senate confirmation hearing to consider the nomination of President Bush's White House Counsel Alberto Gonzalez to the post of U.S. Attorney General.
Senate Judiciary Committee members also failed to question Gonzalez about another report from Lebanon that top members of the U.S. House and Senate Armed Services Committees and 'other leading U.S. legislators' making the trip to Israel may have awarded billion-dollar homeland security contracts to Israel in exchange for interrogation training and torture techniques. FULL STORY