The Pentagon's Secret Scream and Sonic Weapon In Iraq (Two Articles)
From: Los Angeles Times | www.latimes.com
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Sonic Weapon In Iraq
By Jon Rappoport
From: www.nomorefakenews.com
Now talk about sound...just came accross this one. This is incredible! To deliberately mane and hurt people; where is out govt at!
MARCH 10, 2004. 145 decibels at 300 yards. That's what the new US sonic weapon will deliver in Iraq.
The satellite-dish "megaphone" apparently can cause cellular damage and permanent loss of hearing, as well, of course, as intense pain.
For crowd dispersal and the routing of hiding opponents, the device would affect non-combatants, including children.
It's just been delivered to Iraq.
This is an escalation in the Pentagon campaign to deploy so-called nonlethal weapons around the world---to say nothing of inside the US.
The ongoing debate about these devices has pitted no-death against death. "If we use them, we'll avoid killing people."
However, nudging people further toward the acceptance of nonlethal machines also creates a better political climate for all sorts of crowd control in which death is not the alternative. For example, WTO protests.
Blasting people with sound is a precursor to hitting people with various types of microwaves and lights (flash-bangs are already widely in use). Controlling people with aerosol tranqs and hypnotic compounds. Mass broadcasts of suggestions below the level of consciousness. And so on.
It's basically about the militarization of society.
Behind all these weapons is the constant theme of protection, as in: "Times are dangerous; we have to deploy every tool at our disposal to maintain order and keep our enemies from attacking us. Only by massive power and control can we guarantee freedom."
Your standard Orwellian nightmare.
JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com