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Americans are Dumping Their Dead in Desert Sands Denu

By Nevine Al Seidi

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and giant lizards. The American troops live to witness the corpses of their fellows getting buried in the foreign land, not wrapped in the national flag, but stripped off their honourable uniform and just dumped in gash bags!

From Karkouk, courtesy of Al Osboa ( the Egyptian Weekly Newspaper), comes news of dealing the dead in Raq. The murder and injury of American soldiers created a state of panic in the army of the American occupation in Iraq that reached a serious level of hysteria. Their hysterical morale cause them to fire on everything in the vicinity once they are attacked by the Iraqi resistance. The reason as explained by them seems to be that they are only trained in attack, not self-defense.

The American forces used to bury their dead in various locations in Iraq – a fact that drove living troops witnessing this out of their minds Witnessing regular burial procedures revealed to them the reality of the Iraqi resistance and the rate of their human losses as well as the immorality of their administration. Military commanders, lost for a way out to get rid of their dead, reached an ingenious method to mask the real disaster of American lives lost. Now, they strip their dead off their American uniforms, tuck them neatly in plastic bags and throw them on the desert sands!

Iraqis living in the areas of the “Lake of the Great’ and in Howaija in Karkouk, 250 kms North of Baghdad, regularly witness American helicopters gashing their dead in the lake and the surrounding area, in the desert. This has become a familiar practice that all inhabitants are aware of.

As for casualties, the problem remain unsolved. The Airport Hospital in Baghdad and the medical stations of the army are said to overflow with injured soldiers. The Observer had quoted the number at 6000 by the beginning of August, 1500 of which were in critical state. The numbers have more than doubled ever since! Not only do those need medical attention, administration and financial resources, but they need to be hidden from the media and the American people – a real burden for the American administration. We are yet to see what the ingenious solutions to this one would be. So, Al Osboa reported wittily.


Who Got Us Into This Mess ?

CounterPunch, CA - Oct 2, 2003

... for it: 300 plus servicemen and women dead ... poll in which some 70 percent of Americans ... ready

to take the issue of dumping ... network news shows seemed to open their ...
