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Disgusting! Our Pentagon Sells WMD's!!

By Ed Henry

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By: Ed Henry

Sliding under the mass distraction of Arnold Schwarzenegger's victory in California is the startling story of how the Pentagon sells components to make biological weapons of mass destruction to anyone who can use the Internet. Military surplus, only God knows what we were doing with them in the first place, can be purchased by anyone who comes up with ten percent of the original taxpayer price to buy this stuff from the "good guys."

After invading a nation accused of having these weapons of mass destruction, killing thousands of innocent civilians in the process and destroying their infrastructure, it's absolutely disgusting, revolting, and nauseating to find that our own military complex has stockpiles of this same equipment and will sell them to anyone.

Among its customers are such places as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and the Philippines, but not Iraq. Isn't that nice?

In defense of its sales, officials at the Pentagon claim that such sales have garnered $1.5 billion in the last year and that you could probably buy this same equipment directly from manufacturers anyway. Remember, this is the same Pentagon that claims that a "buy American" policy would put a serious crimp in their budget.

On Monday, October 6, Tom Brokaw introduced a report saying: "Two years ago, anthrax attacks against the U.S. Postal Service and news organizations, including NBC, raised the question - how could anyone get the equipment to produce the deadly agent? Now, NBC News has learned that undercover investigators were easily able to buy items that could be used to make such weapons over the Internet. And the seller of the items may surprise you. NBC News Senior Investigate Correspondent Lisa Myers has the exclusive details."

You can see and hear this report by going to and clicking on the "video" button.

The report says that this equipment was "easy and economical" to attain. Undercover agents were able to buy incubators, centrifuges, evaporators, and so forth for $4,100 when that same equipment had originally cost the Pentagon $46,900 in taxpayer money. So why would terrorists bother going to manufacturers and paying full price?

Representative Chris Shays (R-Connecticut) describes the Pentagon activity as a "terrorist bazaar for 10 cents on the dollar."

In his quest for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, do you think George W. Bush was so positive they had them because he held the receipts from equipment purchased in the Eighties and early Nineties under his father's regime?

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