Shining The Light Of Truth
By Karen-lee Bixman
The factual basis for the hostility will never be projected across the TV screens of America, nor will the yellow journalists ever report the truth in their daily rags. No, the truth will lay surreptitiously hidden away in the communications and documents possessed by those who rule the world, never to see the light of day. "Prince Hassan of Jordan told the BBC: 'There are jitters throughout the region about the possibility of (U.S.) threats to Syria and possibly Iran resulting in the domino effect."'
Clearly, Hassan is correct in his assessment as Iran and Syria are next on the agenda in the "war that will never end." The globalist grab for power will benefit those of the corporate elite, whose sympathies lie with the Skull and Bones warrior mentality of the current administration. In a recent Institute for Policy Studies report, entitled, Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured U.S. Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein, the blueprint for the current "war for oil" is laid out. Based on internal communications from Bechtel Corporation, secret cables and papers recently declassified by the National Archives, the report traces the attempt of Bechtel Corporation to get Saddam Hussein's approval for a $2- billion oil pipeline from the Euphrates oil fields in Southern Iraq to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. Donald Rumsfield, current Secretary of State, who at the time worked as CEO of Searle Pharmaceutical, acted as point man, and in 1983 met with Saddam in his role as intermediary for Bechtel. Other former Reagan administration officials such as Dick Cheney, George Schultz and Robert McFarlane were heavily involved in the negotiations. It should be noted that during this time frame, even though Rumsfield knew the Hussein government was using chemical weapons against the Iranians, no mention of this ever came up in their discussions. The focus was on oil and oil alone. In a report to the UN weapons inspectors, Iraq listed Bechtel as one of the corporations that supplied Saddam Hussein with the equipment for making chemical weapons. Now, twenty years later, Rumsfield, Cheney and Bechtel are back in the picture. Only this time no negations with Saddam are needed, as the oilfields of Iraq are ripe for the picking.
Although the American public is not discerning enough to see the interlocking pieces of the puzzle, the overview is clear to the rest of the world. "It remains to be seen whether it is a good idea to confine the reconstruction of Iraq to retired American generals who have close relations with the arms industry, the oil business and the hawks of warlord George W. Bush,' wrote the Belgian daily De Morgan." Meanwhile, speculation continues as to the fate of Saddam Hussein. An April 12, report by Parviz Esmaeilli of the Tehran Times suggests that Saddam has found asylum in Russia. On April 2, there was a "halt in U.S. - British operations in Iraq. Suspicions rose on the same day when U.S. Troops, that had been stopped at the Euphrates, immediately were able to advance toward the heart of Baghdad without any significant resistance by Iraq forces.
All these ambiguities, the contradictory reports about Saddam's situation, and the fact that the highest-ranking Iraqi officials were all represented by a single individual - Iraqi Information Minister Mohanned al-Sahhaf - and the easy fall of Baghdad shows that the center of collusion had been Tikrit, where Saddam, his aides, and lieutenants from the Baath Party had been waiting for al-Sahraf to join them so they could receive the required guarantees to leave the country in a secret compromise with coalition forces. This possibility was confirmed by the Al-Jazeera network, which quoted a Russian intelligence official as saying that the Iraqi forces and the invaders had made a deal. The Russian official told Al-Jazeera that the Iraqi leaders had agreed to show no serious resistance against the U.S. - British troops in return for a guarantee that Saddam and his close relatives could leave Iraq unharmed."
The main focus of the current crisis, lest it be overlooked, is not the fate of Saddam Husssein nor the pursuit of oil but the lives that are being sacrificed upon the alter of the New World Order. Over 125 U.S. casualties have been reported and 4 POWs are still missing. Wives who will never again feel their husband's touch, and children who will grow up not knowing their fathers, will never again hear the familiar voice of the one they loved. Mothers and fathers will have the inconceivable experience of outliving the child they raised. The families of the POWs will suffer a worse fate for they will live in agony wondering, forever, if their loved one is dead or alive. An unaccounted number of Iraqi civilians have also been wounded or killed: civilians who had no say in the actions of their government and were helpless victims caught in the crossfire.
Robert Fisk, reporting from Bagdad for the UK Independent has done an excellent job in covering the account of human suffering. The following are excerpts from his eyewitness accounts at Adnan Khairallah Martyr Hospital: "In a jammed corridor, I came across a one-legged man on a soaked hospital trolley. He had a head wound, which was almost indescribable. From his right eye socket hung a handkerchief that was streaming blood on to the floor. A little girl lay on a filthy bed, one leg broken, the other so badly gouged out by shrapnel during an American air strike that the only way they could prevent her from moving it was to tie her foot to a rope weighed down with concrete blocks . . . There was a man on the second floor with a fearful wound to the neck. It seemed the doctors could not staunch his blood and he was dribbling his life away all over the floor. Something wicked and sharp had cut into his stomach and six inches of bandages could not stop the blood from pumping out of him. His brother stood beside him and raised his hand to me and asked: 'Why? Why?' A small child with a drip-feed in its nose lay on a blanket. It had had to wait for four days for an operation. Its eyes looked dead. I didn't have the heart to ask its mother if this was a boy or girl."
Scenes like this will continue to be replicated throughout the Middle East as one nation after another becomes the target of the New World Order crowd. Brain-dead Americans will dismiss the plight of suffering civilians as the price paid in the fight against terrorism. Not until the draft is reinstated and thousands of American men and woman's mutilated bodies line the halls of VA hospitals and return home in body bags, will Americans see the results and feel the tragedy of the Luceferian dictates now being put into practice. The haughty attitude of pride, which now lingers over the American conscience, will, unfortunately, be dealt with in one swift blow, as weapons of mass destruction are unleashed in American cities.
On April 9, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge identified seven U.S. cities most vulnerable to attack New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco and Houston. Ridge stated that, " the department has reason to believe that the chosen cities are particularly vulnerable, in part because of communications intercepted from terrorists, documents found at terrorists' homes and details gleaned from captured al-Qaida operatives." The timetable for attack is still unclear, but the danger lurks ever so near. Shouts of victory will be short-lived as terror is waged in the night. Americans will then understand what the Iraqi people have experienced as they are "liberated" by the New World Order.
Until Next Month, Karen-lee Bixman
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Reuters, Relief, Trepidation, Anger at Fall of Saddam, Janet McBride, April 10, 2003
Ibid Parviz Esmaeilli, Bush/Saddam Secret Deal, The Tehran Times, April 12, 2003
Robert Fisk, Final Proof War Is About Failure of The Human Spirit, The Independent - UK, April 13, 2003
Karen Masterson and Kristen Mack, Houston on List of Terror Targets, Houston Chronicle, April 9, 2003