10.000 Civilians Killed In Iraq In AYear
By Le Nouvel Observateur FR
"One year after the beginning of the war in Iraq, the promise of an improvement in human rights for Iraqis is far from being realized," asserts the human rights defense organization in its report.
According to Amnesty, it is estimated that "over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in a year as a result of the military intervention in Iraq and the occupation which has followed. "One year after the war began, Iraqi civilians are still being killed every day," emphasizes the report, according to which, "a great number of them seem to have died either because of excessive use of force by American troops or were killed in controversial circumstances."
Death in Detention
Amnesty recalls that it was "asked on several occasions to produce an independent and impartial inquiry into the civilians killed by coalition forces.
At the same time, the report emphasizes, "Iraqi civilians confront the danger represented by attacks apparently conducted by armed groups, which have "killed hundreds of civilians," according to the communiqué.
The report adds that "thousands of people have been detained (by coalition forces), often under difficult conditions, many have been tortured, and some have died in detention."
Amnesty indicates that the Provisional Authority of the United States-led coalition "acknowledges detaining 8,500 people, but an Iraqi human rights organization estimates the number of prisoners at 15,000."