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The Iraq War Is A Continuation Of The 9-11 Afghanistan Wag The Dog

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s that serve the self interest of George Bush Jr. and the altruistic motives used to sell the war to the public. I contend there is not a compassionate or altruistic bone in George Bush's body, and these altruistic motives are 100% hypocrisy.

Altruistic Motives

Bush compassionately wanted to liberate the Iraqis from the evil Saddam Hussein. US soldiers planted the American flag on Iraqi soil signifying conquering not liberation. Bush bombed the water treatment plant in Basra in order to kill children and civilians. This is hardly the work of a compassionate man. His minions on the net scream "Kill all the sand niggers" and "Kill all the sand maggots" These people claimed to be liberating Iraq but they surely don't sound as if they valued the lives of Iraqis in the least. Bush claimed self defense. Saddam had nukes and he had to be disarmed. Bush was caught three times perjuring the USA an the UN presenting phony evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Inspectors found nothing after 300+ inspections. Saddam has not used nukes even after the US attacked, so it seems unlikely he has them. He may have a little poison gas left that he bought on credit with Rumsfeld's and Cheney's blessing from a Florida company prior to Gulf War I. Inspectors destroyed 95% of Iraq's remaining weapons at the end of Gulf War I. Iraq was never able to kill even a single American in 12 years of sanction bombings. If Iraq has such weapons, why don't they use them? They won't even use them when attacked, so surely they would not have used them had they been left alone.

Selfish Motives

Iraq is sitting on $20 trillion in oil reserves. Bush wants to control them, guarantee low oil prices, and cut out the French, Germans, Russians and Chinese who were buying the oil prior to the war. The economic victims of the war are France, Germany, Russia and China who will have their oil supply stolen by the USA. $20 trillion is an astounding amount of money, $70,000 for every man woman and child in the USA, though of course only a handful of billionaire oil investors will get their hands on it. Bush has already given Halliburton, Cheney's company, the go ahead to rebuild Iraq's oil equipment. He did this without going to public tender. Iraq will be paying through the nose to Cheney to repair the damage that Bush did. Talk about adding insult to injury. The Iraq war has been in the works since 1996. Cheney even tried to sell the idea to Clinton. Various key players even wrote books about their imperialist plans long before Bush took office. An Israeli Hebrew language newspaper claimed that 1/2 of Democratic campaign contributions and 1/3 of the Republican ones come from the pro-Israel lobby. Bush was bribed to fight a war on behalf of Israel. The United States gives an astounding amount of money in foreign aid to Israel in the form of money, weapons (which Israel sometimes sells to the Chinese) and loan guarantees which Israel has always defaulted on. Bush's ratings in the polls shot way up. War always helps boost an unpopular or incompetent president's popularity. It takes the spotlight off his scandals and incompetence with the economy. It provides an excuse to further curtail civil liberties. Bush has closed down websites that opposed him and even assassinated the entire ITV news team under cover of the war.

The Defense Department claims 12 nations with nuclear weapons programs, 13 with biological weapons, 16 with chemical weapons, and 28 with ballistic missiles as existing and emerging threats to the United States. But only one of those countries sits atop the second largest oil reserves in the world. [Iraq] ~ Charles Peña, Senior Defense Policy Fellow of the Cato Institute, for The Chicago Tribune

Excuses For The War

Bush has proposed a four bogus excuses to help sell his war:

1. Take the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) motive.

Bush was caught falsifying evidence three times. Even after the war started, and no WMDs were used or found, this did not dampen the enthusiasm for this deception one iota. America wants to deceive itself. After stating solemnly that this is the "single question", Bush-Powell went on the next day to announce that it wasn't the goal at all: even if there isn't a pocket knife anywhere in Iraq, the US will invade anyway, because it is committed to "regime change."

2. Take the kill-Saddam-to-save-Iraqis motive.

Saddam was originally selected by the CIA as will be his replacement. There are dozens of brutal dictators even worse that Saddam. But Saddam was the only one sitting on $20 trillion in oil. The war carried on just as furiously after he was dead. Just like his father, Bush Jr. targeted the very children he was supposedly liberating with attack on the Basra water supply. Bush trained his troops to "kill kill kill" and hate all Iraqis, even though this was supposedly a compassionate war to liberate them. Again Americans failed to notice this motive was bogus. America wants to deceive itself. At the Azores summit, where Bush-Blair issued their ultimatum to the UN, they made it clear that they would invade even if Saddam and his gang left the country. So "regime change" cannot be sufficent motive either.

3. Take the Democracy motive.

Bush announced his plans to set Iraq up as a "protectorate" aka colony run by 43 American bureaucrats headed by viceroy American General Jay Garner to be later replaced by dictator Amad Chalabi, a convicted embezzler. Bush refers to this slave colony status as "democracy".

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."

- George Orwell

Philip J. Carroll chief executive of Shell Oil is the one most likely to be tapped to oversee Iraq's oil production. Bechtel, Halliburton (Cheney's company) and Shell have all been given blank cheques on the Iraqi treasury to bleed the country dry. Everyone knew America has not left a democracy in its wake since WWII, especially Afghanistan, the latest broken promise. Again Americans failed to notice this motive was bogus. America wants to deceive itself.

"Since the Second World War, the US has bombed China, Korea, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Guatemala (again), Peru, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala (third time lucky), Grenada, Lebanon, Libya, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia - in that order - and in not a single case did the bombing produce a democratic government as a direct result." ~ Terry Jones

Brent Scowcroft, National Security Adviser to Bush Sr, just repeated the obvious: "What's going to happen the first time we hold an election in Iraq and it turns out the radicals win? What do you do? We're surely not going to let them take over."

4. Take the Revenge-For-9-11 motive.

bin Laudin was a Saudi Wahabi fundamentalist Muslim. Saddam is an Iraqi secular ruler. Proprosing a conspiracy between these two makes about as much sense as a conspiracy involvolving the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland. They hate each other intensely. On at least two occasions bin Laden's organisation tried to assassinate Saddam. There is no evidence the two ever were in cahoots. So killing Iraqi citizens in revenge for 9-11 makes about as much such as kicking the dog because the cat peed on the sofa. Racists don't care; any excuse to kill brown skinned people will do. Bush has all but abandoned his search for bin Laden.

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." ~ George Bush Jr. 2001-09-13 "I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." ~ George Bush Jr. 2002-03-13

5. To make an example.

When a new crime boss takes over, he may have some hapless victim publicly and brutally beaten. This establishes his authority. The PNAC (Project for the New American Century) plan is for America to dominate the world through military intimidation. Iraq was a good choice for show intimidation because she was utterly defenseless, having been disarmed by the UN. Bush lied to the American people claiming that Iraq had a military superior even to America's so that his deed would look more powerful. The actuality was that, before Gulf War II, Iraq ranked

35 not #1 as a military power, and America spent 283 times as much each year on the military as Iraq. "We will emerge victorious against the world's greatest military [Iraq]." ~ George Bush Jr.

Now consider the true motive, the oil motive. Cheney's company, Halliburton, got the contract without tender to rebuild Iraq. Conflict of interest? What does that mean? The heist will net America $20 trillion in oil deposits, enough to repay the national debt three times over. Yet Americans piously pretend it is not about the oil. What hypocrites! They are the beneficiaries of the crime, $70,000 each approximately. No wonder the all play innocent OJ Simpson and smilingly expect he rest of the world to play along just because they are so darn lovable. Americans know perfectly well this motive is the true one, however, accepting it would be very painful. The mirror would show them to be a nation of of muggers and child abusers.

History of Iraq

The Iraq war is about oil, not to disarm Saddam. At the end of Gulf War I, most of Saddam's weapons were destroyed. Inspectors destroyed 95% of what was left. Americans deliberately poisoned the Iraqi water supply, in violation of the Geneva Convention article 54. For the following dozen years the US bombed Iraq daily. During that time 1 in 11 Iraqis were killed and zero Americans were killed. The Pentagon claims these bombings were done in "self defense". Inspectors have done over 300 more inspections and found nothing of consequence. It is safe to say Iraq has far fewer weapons than in Gulf War I, and in Gulf War I she was a pushover. Iraq is thus no great danger to anyone.

Why then is Bush in such an all-fired hurry to spend $1 trillion ($333 million dollars for each of the 3000 Pentagon's projected Iraqi deaths) and nuke the garden of Eden? The U.N. projects 100,000 deaths, or a mere $10 million each at the bulk discount. Somebody is overcharging to kill Iraqis. Arafat talks people into becoming suicide bombers for a mere $15 thousand each. Companies who sell war supplies are going to get very rich off this war. Chevron won't put up a cent of its own money for the war, but will get the $20 trillion in oil. The oil motives are complex, dealing with euro petrodollars, and busting OPEC.

The nuking of an unarmed Iraq is also a callous show of shock and awe a gangster's technique of publicly, dramatically and brutally beating one victim, then everyone else watching meekly hands over the extortion money or whatever else the gangster wants. America has embarked on an imperialistic phase where she plans to dominate the world by force and fear charted by PNAC (Project for a New American Century) Bush's militarist fascist think tank.

Finally the war helps distract from the many scandals, the collapsing dollar and the record deficits.

War Crimes

Some of the things the USA has done in the Gulf War II:

1. Bush bombed the water treatment plant in Basra in order to kill children.

This is a repeat of this same Geneva convention violation during the sanction bombings. This is deeply shameful thing to do because it targets children specifically. They die faster from lack of water and they die more quickly from drinking polluted water. This is a particularly grievous war crime. Dying of thirst is a hideous torture millions of times more painful than you would ever imagine. I have experienced being tortured this way personally. You must stop this.

2. Assassinated the ITV news team after threatening both the ITV and BBC teams. They did not arrest, they blew them to tiny pieces.

3. Shut down websites that showed any of the dead soldiers, civilians or destruction. They shut down They shut down after PayPal cut them off so they could not receive donations. They shut down I suspect they have a Denial of Service attack going on You can sometimes find the censored materials by searching with google and selecting cached.

4. Destroyed the cameras of the Lebanon news team that discovered 40 dead Americans.

5. The proposed Oregon anti demonstrator bill that provides a 25 year sentence without parole for any demonstrator, if anyone in a demonstration interferes with commerce or is rowdy, even if that person was a plant. By this law Martin Luther King would have got life at his first lunch counter protest.

6. Dropped three precision bombs "by accident" on Iran. They claim these thing are accurate to the foot, but they could not even get the right country three times. I see.

7. Dropped five precision bombs "by accident" on Syria 300 miles away from Baghdad. Strangely, no bombs at all fell "by accident" on Israel which is 200 miles from Iraq.

8. Landed five precision Tomahawk missiles "by accident" on Saudi Arabia.

9. Sent a missile into a Kuwait shopping center.

10. Bombed Children's Hospital in Rutbah.

11. The United States stopped firing missiles at Iraq through Turkish airspace Friday after a missile in flight fell in southeastern Turkey.

12. The Americans destroyed the Iraqi TV broadcasting station. The Americans have intimidated, shut down or killed most of the effective voices opposing the war.

"The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honour you can bestow on him. It means that you recognise his superiority to yourself." ~ Joseph Sobran

13. On 2003-04-02 US aircraft hit a Red Crescent maternity hospital in Baghdad, the city's trade fair, and other civilian buildings killing several people and wounding at least 25. At least five cars were crushed with drivers burned to death inside.

The Pentagon is shutting down websites with news about the war at an alarming clip. Your best bet for news is by passing it along in emails, or by searching google for the lesser known sites.
