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Do I Support The Troops? Of Course Not!!

By Jolly Roger

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he Geneva Conventions, in our quest for "Iraqi freedom" we've scoffed at them, we've made ourselves hated by the rest of the world, and we've disgraced and dishonoured everything for which America was once proud to stand. We've committed countless war crimes, and to insure that the people of Iraq understood freedom we've unleashed on them some of the very chemical weapons we allegedly went there to prohibit. We dropped napalm, uranium, chemicals, committed wanton murder, brutal rapes, systematic torture of civilians, and judging from the few fotos from Abu Grahib, we seem to have enjoyed doing it.

Just one of our latest efforts at liberation involves using women and children as human shields to guard our tanks - hunks of ironmongery designed to protect the people inside and their ability to kill everyone outside. Is it not deep insanity we glimpse in the act of using a child to shield a tank?!

Regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq, it's no mistaken usage of terms when I say "we raped" and "we tortured." "We" share and finance a government "of the people, by the people, for the people." And, even despite the election having been stolen, "we," the American people, are responsible.

- our first bombing target in Fallujah was a hospital

- we pulled the trigger of the machine gun that blasted to death the 17 doctors and nurses who tried to cross a river to help the wounded

- we raped countless women

- we gassed innocent civilians

- we sodomized young boys to get their fathers to "talk"

- we invaded a sovereign nation who did us no harm and posed no threat

- we committed genocide on an innocent population

- we sired all the babies deformed by depleted uranium :(

No human on this planet escapes being born into a particular society and culture. If you were born in the US of A, you inherited certain responsibilities concerning freedom, justice, truth and decency, but you have so neglected your responsibility that it has put the entire planet, and everyone on it, in danger.

You've allowed an irresistible military machine to fall into the hands of a lunatic, and you've allowed the constitution which protects us from lunatics to be hijacked. I'm beginning to understand how the people of Germany supported the madness of Hitler, because I'm seeing it happen again. A population duped by propaganda, and afraid, unwilling, or too ignorant to question authority, has blindly pledged their loyalty to another megalomaniac who's transforming the state into another military machine.

You Have Just Been Drafted!

We've become lazy, soft, pampered and weak, just when the planet needs us to be strong. We should hide our faces in shame. This country still belongs to the people who inhabit it, they need only step up and claim it - or they can stand idly by while a lunatic destroys the world.

Do I support the troops? Of course not!! their ongoing war crimes will forever shame America. I owe no loyalty to a butcher of humans who was born within the same borders as I. Because I support what's good in this world, I hope our troops get blown to pieces.

If you have a God, you have a duty to Him. If your spirituality's more earthly bound, you have a duty to humanity. I beg all people to make a simple decision between good and evil, and act upon it.

Fighting for freedom and democracy is a noble cause which we should all support, but that battle isn't taking place in Iraq. It's happening (or not) in America, and, assuming you've maintained some shred of decency,

Y ou have just been drafted.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.

Ready for the next wars?!

The propaganda is pouring out of the well-oiled neocon machine. French, German and British agreements that confine Iran to the peaceful use of nuclear energy are in the way of the neoconservatives' intention to spread the war to Iran - and must be discredited.

On Nov. 20, Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post, hysterically accused Europe of defending "Iran's ability to attain the wherewithal to destroy the Jewish state." Glick "exposes" France's efforts to prevent the outbreak of wider war in the Middle East as a trick: "France wishes only to box in the U.S. to the point that the Americans will not be able to continue to fight the war against terrorism."

The neoconservative Heritage Foundation promptly broadcast Glick's hysterical rants into the Republican noise machine, reviving talk radio calls for nuking France, "America's oldest enemy."

Three years ago, Ann Coulter was fired by National Review, a neocon publication, when she declared: "We should invade (Muslim) countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Today, such violent words are common parlance.

There is no evidence whatsoever in support of the claims the Bush administration is making about Iranian nukes. The purpose of these false claims is to create fear that will breach the public's opposition to a draft. The neocons are desperate for troops for their Middle Eastern War.

For a decade or longer, the neocons have been writing papers advocating a U.S.-Israeli conquest of the Middle East. A moronic president has given them their chance.

Anxious to get their war underway, the neocons launched their invasion before they had the necessary manpower for the task. Bogged down in Iraq, the neocons are desperate to widen the war before the American public has enough of the pointless carnage and forces a withdrawal.

Thus, before the Iraqi war is finished, the neocon propaganda machine is at work creating fear that the United States is in danger from Iranian nukes unless America pre-emptively attacks Iran.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But Americans are perfectly set up to be fooled twice. Right-wing talk radio has conservative patriots absolutely demanding to be fooled. Christian rapture propagandists have conservative congregations just waiting to be wafted up to heaven. The Republican, corporate, Jewish-owned media is with President Bush. Military types are determined to avenge the Vietnam loss by winning the war against Islam into which they have been conned.

Critics are dismissed as "enemies" who are "against us." Reason and common sense are not features of the Bush administration. It is all blind emotion, a replay of "The Triumph of the Will."

Paul Craig Roberts.



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Tuesday, November 23, 2004 from the New York Times

An international election observer mission - from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Parliament, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the Council of Europe - released a preliminary report on Monday declaring that the election did not meet democratic standards.

The observers' findings were seconded by Republican Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Citing the disturbing fact that official results diverged sharply from a range of surveys of voters at polling places, Lugar said, "A concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse was enacted with either the leadership or cooperation of governmental authorities."

"FUNDAMENTAL FLAWS IN UKRAINE'S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION PROCESS SUBVERTED ITS LEGITIMACY" the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs declared in its preliminary report, citing "systematic intimidation, overt manipulation and blatant fraud" that were "designed to achieve a specific outcome irrespective of the will of the people." - New York Times

This reporter, Greg Palast, was unable to reach Senator Lugar regarding the inconsistency of official election results and exit polls in the USA; the intimidation of minority voters in Florida and Ohio; nor the failure to count two million ballots cast, half by African-American voters, in America's first post-democratic election held earlier this month.

Eastern bloc observers noted that balloting in Ohio, New Mexico and Florida did not meet Ukrainian standards, but applauded America's attempt to restore democratic institutions after the overthrow of elected government in 2000.
