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FYI...5/13/04...60 Minutes II

By Cara McKennon

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that was mentioned in J. Lee's report yesterday. Some of what was said is given in Democracy Now report also in J. Lee's report.

The young woman who did this video diary was very angry about having to be in Iraq. She complained about everything from the lack of food for the guards, the crowded conditions of guards and the prisoners or detainees. She had obvious disdain for the detainees. They showed the conditions of Camp Bucca and I can understand why a young woman wouldn't want to be there when they were not getting the things they needed to do their jobs. She was not trained to do what she was being ordered to do. None of them were.

The ratio of guards to detainees was very low...450 guards for 7000 prisoners or detainees. The detainees frequently escaped. Some were shot trying to escape. She mentioned several detainees had died from snake bites. It takes 6 hours for the venom to kill. My question is, surely an anti-venom could be administered in 6 hours or were they allowed to die? Her comment on this issue..."just two less detainees to worry about."

She and others stated they had sent letters, faxes and other messages to Don Rumsfield and to various Senators reporting the difficulty in Camp Bucca, but never got a reply back from any of them. The obvious lack of support from the upper brass could easily contribute to her attitude. She said the detainees were fed better than the guards.

The guards were reservist who were not trained to be prison guards. The detainees often threw rocks at the guards the size of soft balls. If they threw rocks back at the detainees, they could get in trouble.

The woman who is now considered the poster girl for prison abuse was also interviewed on camera. She insisted she was following orders. The way she explained it, she was very believeable. The real purpose for these pictures was explained.

An ex CIA agent explained how they were used. The pictures were shown to other detainees. They were told the same thing would be done to them if they didn't talk. The poses of them doing homosexual acts was serious because once they were released again, their own tribe would kill them since homosexuality is considered a crime so offensive to warrant death. The interrogators are aware of this fact. Using a woman is also humiliating for them because of their overall view of women in their culture. Women are not allowed to go anywhere alone. Being subjugated by a women is the height of humiliation and degradation and that is why women guards were posed in these pictures instead of male guards.

The ex-CIA agent said this type of blackmail was used all the time by the CIA to extract information from prisoners. And he used the word..."blackmail".

On a side note: Donald Rumsfield made a surprise visit to Bagdad today. It was televised on TV this morning. He was there to supposedly give support to the troops there. The media is asking if Rumsfield has survived the prison abuse scandal. The spin being put on this is it was limited to a few low ranking bad apples and was not systemic like the Red Cross insists it was. Now that they have a phony link to Al Queda in Iraq, because of what happened to Nick Berg, it's full speed ahead. Rumsfield was hoping they could get additional troops from other countries now. Several people commented they should stop apologizing and get on with the war.

One thing I read in an article yesterday on WingTV...the real culprit in the abuse was by a man by the man of John Isreal who has flown the coop you might say. No one knows where he went. He was a Mossad agent. They are very adept at using torture tactics to gain information. Their tactics were what was used at Guantanimo by General Miller, who later came to Iraq and started using them there. The Mossad are reported to be the most efficient intelligence agency in the entire world, even better than ours.

During the Senate Investigation hearings on Tuesday by General Taguba, a great deal of information was given. What was absent to the viewing public was the link to John Isreal and the link to the Mossad. In fact, very little of this hearing was shown on Fox compared to the one done last Friday.

Could it be the real culprits in this are being deliberately protected and the blame thrown on seven reservist to protect that fact?

What is glaring obvious in all this, our military is seriously understaffed and poorly trained for many of the jobs they are being ordered to do. It's being run by people who don't know what they are doing and those who object to it are being ignored and are being forced to follow orders of Rumsfield, General Meyer, Army Secretary Brownlee, General Schoomaker & General Smith. Cara
