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In Peace and Solidarity

Nancy Lessin and Charley Richardson

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RAMC by the Air Force flight nurses and docs. I do not have access to any of the numbers of how many wounded and what types of injuries, etc, but I can honestly tell you that the OIF wounded occupy more than half of our two major intensive care units (SICU and MICU) at any given time. At times, we get so full and are expecting more to arrive, that we have to hound the docs to transfer somebody out of our unit to a ward upstairs so we have some beds for these soldiers. Most of these wounded soldiers come in to our unit on a ventilator breathing for them, with severe wounds caused by IEDs (improvised roadside bombs) or AK-47 GSW (gun shot wounds). Many, many soldiers have already lost arms, limbs, or eyes before they even get to us, and many have received dozens of units of blood before they left Germany.

I am very proud that I am privilaged to take care of these brave men and women, but it breaks my heart to realize that their incredible loss that they and their loved ones will have to deal with for the rest of their life seems to have not been for the good of our country. Rather, their pain and sorrow has merely allowed a few greedy souls to make a power grab for more wealth and control. One of my dear friends has tried to convince me that this is all part of God's plan, and the death and pain is for some greater purpose that our leaders are not telling us yet. I wish I could believe her. It would make my job and daily life much easier, but I cannot buy it. I apologize to the reader for my tangenital thought processes, but this never ending situation is getting to many military nurses. Anyway, the following is my main point in reaching out to you. As you might be aware, the press is being tightly controlled and what is being reported from a medical standpoint is only a fraction of the true reality. Yes, I do believe the daily number of killed that CNN and whoever report is accurate. What I am saying is that the walking wounded are being sorely ignored. Don't believe me? Walter Reed is an open base, not a tightly controlled fort. Just have a valid ID and consent to a vehicle search. Then park, and walk inside. You will see so many 20 something mostly men missing arms, legs, and eyes. The blinders covering your eyes will be ripped away as you see the poor families making their daily walk from the Malogne house to the wards and units to see their son's or husbands. It is so sad to see young wives and fiancee's cry over their honey who was in Iraq less than one month before losing both legs and have several abdominal surguries which leaves his belly crisscrossed with staples, and now he is fighting for his life from the infection that the injuries have caused. And that is just one example of what I saw this week. I will spare you any more wrenching true stories.

God help our men and women in uniform. Please do something to end this madness.


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We Say: "Bring them home,NOW"

Veterans For Peace.Inc

Military Families Speak Out


"THE ARMY THAT CAN DEFEAT TERRORISM doesn't wear uniforms, or drive Humvees,or call in airstrikes. It doesn't have a high command, or high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat

terrorism does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts sweatshops and special interests. Where people feel powerless, it helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it reminds them of their

responsibility." Author Unknown


National Project


"911 For the Truth"

911 Petition-In Support Of Mrs. Mariani's 'RICO' Lawsuit

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

911 Independant Commission


More Than Warmth

Building Hope- Caring- Compassion

Peace Roots Alliance

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

The Student Peace Action Network


thanks to James Starowicz

USN '67-'71, GMG3, Vietnam-In Country:'70-'71

for sharing this information....
