London Terrorist Attack Bush and Blair the Culprits
Tom Heneghan & Stew Webb
This attack in London today upon innocent British People was for their own Satanic Political Agenda. Expect possible more attacks by Bush, Blair and Shari's PE-2 Terrorist Rouges in England, Israel and the USA. This is all to undermine Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's investigations of Bush and Cheney's leaks of CIA Valerie Plame, Ambassador Joseph Wilson wife's CIA Team investigating Bushes and Cheney's involvements into the orchestrated 9-11 attacks on America. Plame's CIA network was compromised and many were killed as a result of The White House Bush-Cheney leaks in violations of National Security Laws and murder of U.S. CIA Federal Agents. Judith Miller, a Mossad Stooge, was jailed for her involvement in the leaks of the CIA Plame investigations which violated National Security laws and the murder of many CIA agents. Miller was not protecting Whistleblower sources but was in fact part of the Bush espionage plot to stop the Plame team from uncovering Bush Cheney's plotted, planned and orchestrated 9-11 attack upon America on September 11, 2001 which is Treason.
Judith Miller stated in the Courtroom July 6, 2005 when asked if she was ready to reveal her source stated: "I cannot take the risk. It is too grave, this Government is too powerful." US District Judge Lefko of Chicago who's Husband and Mother were murdered several months ago issued the order for Judith Miller and Matt Cooper to turn over their notes regarding their sources. Claiming this was not a First Amendment Right but was in Violation of US National Security Laws because of the murders of several CIA Agents. Miller and Cooper appealed and July 6, 2005 Miller went to jail. Judge Lefko's Family was murdered by 2 FBI Division 5 Agents, who left cigarette butts of an FBI Informant-stooge on the crime scene with the informants DNA, the informant was murdered by the 2-FBI Agents.
Matt Cooper is now Obstructing Justice by claiming The White House Bush Brain Karl Rove was his source. This is additional Obstruction Of Justice. Congressman Conyors in a June 2005 Congressional hearing called for Impeachment hearing to proceed in July 2005 against George W. Bush after testimony by Ambassador Joseph Wilson and CIA Analyst Ray McGovern. Sources says Conyors now has 130 plus Congressman ready to Impeach The White House Occu-punk George W. Bush. PE-2 Terrorist Cell Fox News reported MI-5 British agents warned Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to remain in his hotel room 30 minutes prior to the London attacks.
Intelligence sources have revealed Michael Shipton, MI-5 British Agent, is tied to the London Terrorist attack, Grab Him. The Signal man walked with a clipboard in his hand down the street, there are enough cameras to identify this terrorist. Expect possible attacks in America by this PE-2 Bush-Blair-Shari terrorist teams in order to further their Martial Law agenda over the coming weeks. Bush will keep pushing for more support of his war machine expansions into Iran and Saudi Arabian for Oil Fields for his families personal gain, with possible attacks on United States Soil. Crisis Creation, Crisis Solution for Crisis Control. Further remember Adolph Hitler's Mein Kemp strategy of evil. Fear, Fear, Fear. False Evidence that Appears Real. George W. Bush save us from your created Big Bad Boogie Man Terrorist Al Qaeda. American Militias and Patriots be prepared to defend America. Bush intends on declaring Martial Law to avoid his coming Indictments, Impeachment and his going to Jail for Treason and murder for his terrorist attacks on
9-11-2001. This has now been investigated and proven by U.S. Intelligence agents and others. America's enemy has been identified as Bush-Cheney.
Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb
Stew Webb Breaking News Email Alerts KEEP INFORMED FREE: To subscribe to Stew Webb's Breaking News Email Alerts simply sign up at You may subscribe or unsubscribe at anytime you are in control. This is a secure software. I will only be using this list in the future for alerts. If you are now receiving Breaking News Email Alerts and would like to continue then please sign up for free, automation will save me hours and you
control, thank you. --Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower-Vice Presidential Candidate Heneghan-Webb 2004
Top Secret Bush Crime Family Narco, Weapons and Murder Indictments.
Breaking News June 27, 2005
SHADOW GOVERNMENT BUSH CRIME FAMILY PLAYERS: Ollie North, Casper Weinberger, John Poindexter, Assistant Attorney General William Richard Scruggs,
Carl Lindner owner United Fruit-Chiquita Bananas and George H. W. Bush. These Indictments for Drug & Gun running, Murder, Narcotics money laundering is by The Senate & Congress of Costa Rica. The Costa Rica Government has pending requests with the US State Department, The US Congress & Senate, The US Courts, which are being ignored. This document is 93 Pages There are rewards being offered by The Government of Costa Rica if someone wants to
collect them. There are only 3 copies in existence, now there will be millions. Make your copy today.
Breaking News July 3, 2005 Bush Crime Family Goon British
Stooge Bob Woodward of the Washington Post exposed the Headquarters of the American French Alliance Good Guys in the CIA and French Intel Good Guys who oppose Nazi Bushes. The AFA have repeatedly stopped Terrorist attacks inside the USA that Bushes plotted since July 2004. Bush Stooge Woodward did this in retaliation for the AFA exposing his Nixon Deep Throat source FBI Feldman. Woodward was involved in the murder of Neil Moody Cooper,
White House Aid Vince Fosters cousin. Foster also was murdered by the Bush Clinton Crime Family for turning States Witness against the Bush-Clintons.
Breaking News
Exclusive Top Secret John F. Kennedy Jr. Interpol Classified Reports. Classified Top Secret until 2025. Reports also show Clinton's 300 Murders. Many more top secret documents released by Federal Whistleblowers Stew Webb & Tom Heneghan and only on.
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You may subscribe or unsubscribe at anytime you are in control. This is a secure software. I will only be using this list in the future for alerts. If you are now receiving Breaking News Email Alerts and would like to continue then please sign up for free, automation will save me hours and you control, thank you. --Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower-Vice Presidential
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