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Another Depleted Uranium Victim

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ung boy, Huthaifa Ghanim Mohammed Sultan, a resident of Mosul City, is another victim of the U.S-British aggression against Iraq.

Let all fair-minded and honourable people the world over see and realize how horrendous the crime they have committed against Iraq's children. It is not the first such case, nor will it be the last for sure. There are hundreds and hundreds of others.

Shame on all those who claim to be defender of what they call human rights in Iraq.

In 1989, Iraq has been identified as having the best health system in the region, with the Government of Iraq drawing up a set of health programmes to render better services for its people. This was confirmed by report released at the time by United Nations organizations.

Today, the children of Iraq are experiencing enormous sufferings augmented by the lack of medicine, especially vaccines, under the embargo.

Let the whole world see how far the criminals in the U.S administration and British government have gone in their crime. They have turned Iraq's children into target of their DU weapons.
