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Vermont Residents Vote on Pulling US Troops out of Iraq

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s from the state with all of about 600,000 residents have died in the war.

"Vermont is a very small state, and people are really feeling the effect of this," said First Lieutenant Veronica Saffo, spokeswoman for the Vermont National Guard.

In a first for the United States, the popular referendum was held in 52 of Vermont's 246 municipal areas, and it was passed in 34 of those 52 areas, according to preliminary returns available early Wednesday.

Three cities postponed the vote, and three other cities rejected the resolution.

Traditionally a left-leaning enclave, Vermont has long been in the vanguard of opposition to the war. The state's former governor, Howard Dean , the new head of the Democratic Party, based his failed 2004 campaign for the White House on fierce opposition to the war in Iraq.
