Misery, Disease, Death: Mission Accomplished
Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire
So, what mission did Bush and crew accomplish?
"Poverty is rampant throughout Iraq with more than half the population lacking basic means to survive, a government survey shows," notes Kamal al-Basri.
The survey by the Central Statistical Bureau says that 43 percent of Iraqis suffer from 'absolute poverty’ and another 11 percent of them live in 'abject poverty’.
Both terms are measures aid organizations use to quantify poverty in the world and they refer to people below poverty level.
People in absolute poverty lack the necessary food, clothing or shelter to survive and 43 percent of Iraqis now fall into that category, the survey says.
People in abject poverty lack a minimum income or consumption level necessary to meet basic needs and 11 percent of Iraqis are in that category, according to the survey.
The study is the result of a nation-wide survey of families across the country and takes into consideration the millions of Iraqis who have been displaced or forced to flee abroad.
The survey is the largest and most comprehensive the bureau has conducted in the past four years. Hundreds of researchers and civil servants working in its offices in Iraq were involved.
Before the one-worlder Bush Senior invaded Iraq, the United Nations noted: "Advances in provision of health care have been notable. Major hospital construction projects have given the country a first-class range of medical facilities, both in the larger towns and through a series of clinics in rural areas…. In the constitution of Iraq, it is stated that health is the right of every citizen. Iraqi health policy is in line with the goal of health for all, with special emphasis on care of infants and mothers. Attention has also been given to equitable distribution of services and on community participation."
"The Iraqi healthcare system was one of the most advanced of its kind in the 1970s and 1980s," William Aaronson, associate professor of healthcare management at The Fox School, told Sunita Kaul of the Daily Star. "But the current war, coupled with the 1990 UN-imposed sanctions, the 1991 Gulf War and subsequent periods of lawlessness and looting, have left the healthcare system in total shambles. It has been set back almost 50 years," precisely as planned. "During and immediately after the recent conflict, some 12 percent of hospitals were partially damaged and seven percent were looted. More than 30 percent of the facilities that provided family planning services were destroyed. The country’s two major public health laboratories, in Baghdad and in Basra, were destroyed."
Of course, the real mission is to wipe the slate clean in Iraq and, indeed, much of the Arab and Muslim Middle East, and if that requires killing a few million people, so be it because, as Donald Rumsfeld said before he was shown the door, democracy is messy and stuff happens.
Stuff like typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis, cholera, polio, poverty, and starvation.