Waiting for the Smell of New-Mown Hay (phosgene)
Ken Welch
In that earlier report we didn't know if the weapon chosen was chemical or biological. I pointed out that we need only watch the news for stories that would prepare the public for one or the other. This was provided promptly by the UN phosgene gas story, which later proved to be "a hoax" - showing just how easy it is to get a key topic into the minds of hundreds of millions of people. Millions of Americans learned that phosgene gas smells like freshly cut hay, that it kills by restricting breathing, and that there is no antidote. I also said that we could watch for the buzzword "chatter" to easily identify a false news story. That word vanished from the airwaves almost the instant the report was published. Surprise, surprise.
But the plan to create a new 9-11 has not slowed at all. Just the same as in the weeks preceding the aborted plot that was scheduled for April of this year, members of the U.S. administration have fanned out across the globe to alert other governments to what is coming, and confirm the deals that have been made for their support or their silence. Australia for instance has been promised a share of Iran's oil reserves. Bush, on his return from Australia, stopped off in Hawaii to "confer with top military commanders." You'd almost think something big was going on, if your television wasn't continuously telling you to go back to sleep.
In a fascinating incident, something went wrong last week with a bomber carrying nuclear-armed cruise missiles to the Persian Gulf, and a storm of speculation and disinformation erupted across the Internet. Initial confusion even led some to believe that one of the missiles fell off the airplane! And the usual suspects have tried to twist the story this way or that. Best example (and a classic): Bush did it, wants to nuke U.S. cities, but brave patriotic generals will arrest him soon. In other words, after telling you what you really wanted to hear, they also tell you to go back to sleep.
However, as I put this report together I discovered that reversed speech offered a big clue about the missiles' intended targets, and why this particular shipment was not following normal procedures. Guess what? Those targets are neither here in the U.S. nor in Iran.
Although the plan to attack multiple American cities with poison gas was officially named DOSE at the White House, the name has not stuck. Everyone we scanned with reversed speech regards it as the next chapter of the snake-bit GAMBIT program. GAMBIT mandates a false-flag WMD attack on U.S. soil enabling the U.S. to nuke Iran and deliver that country's oil reserves to the Houston-based Oil Cartel that runs the White House, the Congress, and the military.
Let's review one more time who the players are and, as everyone loves to say, the situation on the ground.
I. The Winners and the Losers
We've provided a large number of speech reversals showing that both the White House and Al Qaeda take their orders from Houston, and we simply refer to the invisible employer in the Oil Patch as the Oil Cartel. In fact, they've been in complete control of the government here in the U.S. (and a number of other countries we suspect) since the first Bush presidency. But who are they?
An article last month in the UK's Observer clearly named the winners of the Iraq War and explained their prize:
The world's oil majors will descend on two key conferences about Iraqi oil next month, seizing their last chance to jockey for position before the expected passing of the country's hydrocarbon law sets off a scramble for its vast energy resources.
Iraqi officials, including oil minister Hussein Shahristani, will attend the gatherings in Dubai in September to meet international oil executives. All the big players will be there, including BP, Shell, Exxon and Chevron, as well as minnows such as Addax Petroleum, some of which have operations in Iraq.
David Horgan, managing director of Petrel Resources, an Irish explorer with a presence in Iraq since 1999, said: "All the oil companies have been salivating at the prospect of Iraq for years. There is a good chance of very large discoveries. Nowhere else in the world offers that."
Horgan said that once the oil law was passed, oil executives would rush to sign exploration and production deals, despite Iraq's security situation. Under severe US pressure, the Iraqi administration is now expected to push through the oil law before the end of September.
The majors have stayed away from Iraq, which has the world's third largest oil reserves, because there was no legal framework for investing in its energy sector. Unusually, for the Middle East, the oil law will provide generous rates of return and production sharing agreements that allow companies that have had to write down their reserves, such as Shell, to book massive new reserves.
Corporations like Exxon have so much cash that, if they wished, they could easily corrupt any country to the point of getting that nation to provide the taxpayer funding and expendable soldiers necessary to achieve corporate goals. And in this case, Houston has never had any intention of stopping with Iraq. Iran has always been the ultimate prize. British Petroleum recently reported that Iran has the world's second largest oil reserves, comprising 137.5 billion barrels expected to be good for at least 87 more years of production.
And finally, the advantages of simply stealing the second and third largest oil reserves in the world go beyond the oil itself. Oil in this region can be produced so cheaply, at costs estimated to be as low as two dollars a barrel, that it is virtually free to the corporation that is pumping it. Needless to say, such savings are not passed on to consumers. Profits on this scale could easily be seen as justifying any sort of risk, and any kind of crime.
But the plan has not gone smoothly. The invasion of Iran is now eighteen months behind schedule. In Iraq, the Cartel was supposed to get the oil fields months ago via a so-called "hydrocarbon law," passed by the Iraqi puppet government. Unfortunately, the situation there is deteriorating so rapidly (the word "disaster" keeps popping up) it appears that any hope of "legalizing" the theft has now been written off.
Bambi visited Iraq last week and reported to brain-dead television viewers that everything was just fine in the deep woods. Otherwise known as Katie Couric of CBS Evening News, Bambi was taking a shot at the role of journalist. Although she had never been to Iraq before, she reported with a straight face that she saw genuine improvement! She and General David Petraeus drove to a small market in Fallujah where produce vendors who looked absolutely terrified were offered up as proof of a "return to normalcy." This turned out to be a great opportunity to catch Petraeus in a relaxed moment conducive to reversed speech. What we learned astounded us, and you will hear it yourself in an audio clip below.
With over a million men, women and children dead already, it looks like even more Iraqi's are going to die to complete the theft of their oil fields, while all pretense at nation-building goes by the wayside during the coming nuclear Armageddon. This will not be a problem for Houston. No Iraqis or Iranians are actually needed to get that oil out of the ground. They are all totally expendable.
II. Resignations
There had been ample RS evidence from the Camp David meeting with PM Gordon Brown to establish that the plan to attack multiple U.S. cities was active. The trick now was to find more details. If no one likely to speak in front of a microphone had been given the list of cities or the date, then I wouldn't have much luck. Worse, when I began looking for current events to monitor it seemed that everyone had simply disappeared.
Karl Rove had recently announced he was leaving the White House so I gave that a shot. But his work is restricted to the political arena, and all I could get from him was an acknowledgement that the administration really needed a new 9-11. Naturally, he knew the GAMBIT code name. Bush at that event didn't say much, and was more interested in getting the actual vote count for Ron Paul from the Iowa Straw Poll, after they had given the public a false count from Diebold voting machines two days before.
On August 27th Alberto Gonzales resigned from his post as Attorney General. I jumped at the chance to get up-to-date material. Bush announced the resignation and an interim appointment from the White House lawn. I found him unconsciously mulling over the collapsing situation in Iraq. Even Bush had reverted to the older name for the false-flag attack program, GAMBIT, and it was clear that he was still being denied any information about the date. There was one bright spot for him, though.
In two previous GAMBIT attempts involving small nukes placed in an outdated oil terminal south of Houston (see our reports), Junior had insisted that he personally should have the thrill of actually sending the firing signal. This time, with multiple attacks stretching out through what will probably be a very long day, such control would be impractical. So, instead, they let him TOUCH one of the bombs so he could still feel personally involved!
This may also be the date that he was finally told that there would be no "hydrocarbon law" in Iraq, which essentially equates to total failure. You can hear a certain amount of anguish in "NO OIL IN GULF."
He is also still very angry about the failure last Easter. He had desperately wanted to go ahead and nuke Iran, even without the provocation that the false-flag nuke was to provide. Naturally, he could not get permission from his masters. We hear, "NO BALLS AT EASTER!"
With Iraq going down the toilet, things might be different this time.
HERE (Click on "Visit Author's Website" to listen to all Reversed Speeches)
Karl Rove
George W. Bush
White House
Rove announcing resignation
Fwd: Make bold changes
Bush On Gonzales resignation
Fwd: ..worked tirelessly to make this country safer
Fwd: ..an important role
Fwd: n/a
There is a chance that the mysterious Tom may be Junior's superior in Houston. It is not a probability, but I'll be keeping my ears open for more references.
The final step in this little saga of departures came a couple days later when Gonzales gave his own farewell speech at the Justice Department. He was distraught about leaving, and regardless of the spin that Junior put on it, it seems clear that Bush kicked him off the team to avoid further embarrassment from congressional investigations.
The Bush administration has been split up to focus on separate tasks. Gonzalez was in the group with Chertoff, preparing for the new empire that comes after the annexation of Iran is completed. His thoughts only stray to the impending poison gas attacks at the very last minute. Instead we learn a little about his real focus all this time.
I knew that he was occasionally referred to as Judge Gonzales, but I had not realized that Bush had originally put him on the Texas Supreme Court. God only knows what damage he did there. But we learn in this sound clip that his reward for destroying the U.S. Constitution and creating the imaginary legal foundation for a police state was an appointment to the new empire's high court, a position that he clearly craved. He tells us that not being able to stay long enough to get that BLACK ROBE is his biggest disappointment.
In addition to having an ethical standard lower than pond scum, the man has to be stupid as well. Modern history shows there is no satisfaction in being a judge in a fascist empire, where courts can only do what they are told.
It is also clear that he thinks the final betrayal is coming fairly soon. Somewhere in last year's files I have a reversal from Junior that says, "YOU WANT ROYAL BLOOD." I held it back because I didn't think people would believe it. Nonetheless, I'm convinced that Junior's masters have promised their semi-adolescent front boy that he can be king. Or, more likely, emperor. Yes, it sounds nuts but listen to Gonzales tell us that "THE THRONE IS NEAR," and think again.
One sparkling little RS gem surfaced at the end of Gonzales' speech, and I absolutely love it when these things come together. Did it come from inter-departmental gossip? In my report on Project Dose, the speech reversals indicated that the weapons that would be used on American cities had been delivered by submarine. I could easily be wrong when I guessed that it was an Israeli sub. But I am forced now to remember that there are men and women everywhere today who are struggling (and failing) with the conflict between duty and honor. I was strongly touched when I heard, "THEY CRY ON THE SUB."
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website")
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Resignation Speech
Justice Dept., Washington D.C.
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: ..conclude my government service
Fwd: n/a
Fwd: "God Bless America"
Rev: THEY CRY ON THE SUB--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
III. Bush and Bambi Do Iraq
After almost two weeks of limited RS opportunities, the information floodgates opened again, this time from Iraq. Bush jetted off for a surprise visit to Anbar province, and it was announced that Clueless Katie would be interviewing military commanders there. It would be more than I could do by myself so I contacted Strider, who has previously contributed his RS technical skills to this web site. Since I was bored with Bush, Strider agreed to do the twelve-year old Decider, while I would wait to see if Bambi could produce an unguarded moment with someone who knew what was going on.
Strider soon reported that RS from two Bush photo-ops with the troops confirmed that the Iraq war was going from bad to worse, and that poison gas was the choice for the new 9-11. But he also said he'd found a reference to nukes that did not match up with my original report. He would send two files via the rather convoluted channels we use to protect his identity.
The reversals in the first file confirm that the status of the war effort has now been downgraded to LOSING. In other words, we are no longer just holding on. Houston's program to foment violence as a reason for staying has blown up in their faces. We are now in the process of being physically pushed out of Iraq one day at a time.
This you might have guessed from our reporting so far. I have omitted over half a dozen isolated reversals in which Junior tells us that he is nervous and afraid. For some reason the enormity of what is being planned, both here and in the Persian Gulf has finally made an impression on him. Looks like he's having some regrets - which, of course, will do him no good. I might also mention at this point that Bush is not the only person in Washington right now to be expressing great fear in their reversals.
It is the macabre set of reversals about the plan to kill Americans with poison gas that makes this audio clip one of a kind.
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website")
George W. Bush
Surprise Visit to Anbar Province
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: Received briefing on Iraq status.
Fwd: B.S. about pacification plan
Fwd: B.S. about conflict in Iraq
Fwd: "..swore allegience.."
Rev: I STEAL THEIR OATH (refers to soldiers in audience)
Fwd: Final words
Rev: HOW YOU'LL FREAK OUT!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When Strider reported that he had additional reversals from this event that didn't match what we were expecting, I was finding myself in the same situation. Couric's interview of General Petraeus, despite poor sound quality from being recorded inside a military vehicle, was also yielding surprises. There was nothing at all about GAMBIT or DOSE, but there were startling reversals about the near-term plan for Iraq. In just the last two days I've realized that both files are actually related to the story about the B-52 with rogue nuclear missiles that was caught at Barksdale Air Force Base.
Trying unsuccessfully to weave together that story with this one has caused me to miss my deadline. My apologies to those who've been waiting so patiently. In the end, I've moved the material to the bottom of this report and will soon move it to a separate page. Right now I want it all together so you can appreciate the huge scope of the present situation.
IV. Australia Visit Confirms Phosgene Is The Gas Of Choice
After returning from Iraq, Junior barely paused before flying to Australia for an "Asian summit." Once there, staff members would have a chance to brief their opposite numbers on the new 9-11, just as they did at the Camp David meeting with PM Gordon Brown.
In RS Bush labels Australian PM John Howard another Nazi. Bush would certainly know, and the RS shows Howard is a cold fish, indeed. It is obvious he is playing a double game with his country's citizens. It is a shame we don't have someone in Australia with the technical expertise to provide RS coverage of Howard on a continuing basis.
We also learn from Bush that Howard is the source that was code named SCOUT at the White House. We ran across SCOUT on several occasions related to past false-flag projects. I will have to go through the files to see if this clears up any important questions.
Howard in turn provides us with the usual view foreign leaders have of Bush. LOSER he says, and NO SMARTS. We also find, HE IS THE SCAMMER. But this is old news, and my job is to find further information about the new 9-11. I know it has to be there because Howard and his people will have recently received their briefings.
During the speeches we are told that the U.S. and Australia have suddenly concluded a number of deals, one of which involves U.S. assistance with an Aussie nuclear program of some kind. This is the cover story designed to conceal the real purpose of the meetings. However, in his first minute of speech Howard unconsciously provides clues to what is really happening.
We find that in addition to their support and silence, Junior has asked Howard for more men. Howard also reveals that he has little interest in reactors because what Australia really needs is a plentiful supply of gasoline. The word TRADE-OUT makes it clear that it is Persian Gulf oil that has been offered and accepted.
About half way through Howard's speech I found out why I could not find any of the GAMBIT target cities. They hadn't yet been chosen! Thinking about it, I suppose that weather would be a factor, but I have no idea what other considerations there might be. But Howard tells us "TONIGHT - GAMBIT PICK," and now I understand the real reason why PM Gordon Brown wasn't given a copy of the Gambit List. This also suggests that if I continue to subject key players to reversed speech, I have some chance of finding the target cities before they are attacked. Maybe.
Howard is one of the most boring speakers I've run across, and I can't imagine how he has obtained his post. I had to work through 7 minutes of tedium (about two hours when doing serious RS) before he concluded his remarks by giving us his impression of the new 9-11 plan. Naturally, it was in his final sentence!
The gas that will be used is indeed PHOSGENE - the subject of the hoax at the U.N., which allowed all mass media channels to remind everyone of its attributes. PM Howard thinks it is a wonderful plan. In reverse we hear, "SHIT - SO EASY!"
There is no indication that Howard feels any moral qualms at all about gassing Americans or vaporizing innocent people in the Middle East. In the reversal, "IT'S GOOD," there is a second voice just audible (a separate unconscious process speaking) that seems to be saying, "it's scary." Usually I can separate these out but this one is too faint. If you listen closely with sufficient volume you should be able to hear it, too. It may refer simply to the nature of Phosgene gas, or it may be an acknowledgment of risks. It is certainly no recognition of the enormity of being an accessory to mass murder.
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website)
Australian PM John Howard
"Asian Summit"
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: Received briefing on Iraq status.
Fwd: B.S. about pacification plan
Fwd: B.S. about conflict in Iraq
Fwd: Final words
During the period in which I was hunting for reversals and singling out the few helpful ones from the hundreds that were of no value I finally ran across an indicator that there were to be five devices. Somehow I've lost it. Worse, I can't remember from whom I got it, because the story below simply drove it from my mind. I'll be looking for it, but it may turn up years from now! So, much as I hate to do it, I'll simply say that the best information I have is that there are five cities on the Gambit List, which are destined to be attacked with five Phosgene bursts. It's not terribly important. If I find it later, it would be one more indicator of guilt on someone's part (because they knew in advance), but we've got plenty of that already.
There is also a lot more RS on John Howard, but it seems unlikely we will have the time to do a full report on him. He's a creepy sort, and obviously very dangerous. However I must also assume that, just as in the U.S. and the U.K., the Australian people must deserve him since he is in fact where he is.
V. About Phosgene Gas
Phosgene is a World War One war gas that kills by interfering with a person's ability to breathe. It is categorized as a "choking agent." Its primary characteristic is that it smells like freshly cut hay. It is also irritating to the skin and eyes. Although it is one of the least horrific of available agents, it is no joke. Phosgene killed more soldiers in the Great War than any other gas. However, once troops were equipped with gas masks and proper training, fatalities dropped dramatically.
Phosgene gas is one of the easier agents to protect against. A "professional painters mask" that filters air through one or two canisters of activated charcoal would supply adequate protection as long as the mask is properly adjusted and worn. However you must still get out of the gas cloud as quickly as possible because you can absorb the poison through your skin. Although anyone working with chemicals should have such a mask, there is little point in running to the hardware store to get one unless you are convinced that you are likely to be very near to the center of such an attack.
Each attack is expected to use a single artillery shell, perhaps deployed in a vehicle or hidden in a building. In perfect conditions an outdoor blast might fill city streets with a lethal concentration of gas for two city blocks in all directions, which would then be carried downwind. However, the farther from the initial site the weaker the concentration of gas will be. With distance the danger will diminish from lethal to incapacitating to disruptive to annoying. The primary survival strategy is to know which way the wind is blowing and run like the devil to get out of the path of any advancing gas. Phosgene hugs the ground, so moving to the highest floor in a tall building may be the smartest move.
If Phosgene was used in an enclosed space, such as a shopping mall, the only option would be to get out of the mall as quickly as possible. Remember that many stores have back entrances, loading docks, or fire exits. Don't stop for any reason. Run!
After exposure to Phosgene you will want to seek medical assistance if you are experiencing symptoms. Otherwise, shower and wash your clothing as quickly as possible. Also note that you can become ill up to 48 hours after exposure. There is no antidote for Phosgene poisoning, but a medical facility should have oxygen and other treatments to help with symptoms.
Phosgene is used in industrial processes and there is a lot of information available. Try CDC or Wiki or Princeton for starters, or just use Google.
VI. White House Seeks Nukes To Save Iraq
By now, everybody on the web knows about the B-52 BOMBER INCIDENT at Barksdale AFB, near Shreveport. On August 30th, Nuclear warheads were mysteriously removed from storage at Minot AFB in North Dakota, illegally mounted on cruise missiles, and just as illegally attached to the firing points on the wings of a B-52 bomber. All of this was in total violation of nuclear weapons security regulations that are carved in stone. The bomber crew then flew to Barksdale where someone finally realized that something was terribly wrong, and the scheme fell apart. The airplane was instantly grounded and sat on the tarmac for ten hours before the entire incident was swept from view. The story was leaked to the press on September 5th.
It was reported briefly by virtually all media channels but, despite its incredible significance, the fantasy news networks have remained silent after offering up only the Defense Department's bizarre cover story. According to Big Brother, the incident was simply a screw up on the part of an exceptionally dimwitted ground crew tasked with loading the airplane. This is like saying that a massive bank robbery was merely a case of bank tellers not following their instructions on how to count out cash to customers. The bank is saying, "What Robbery? It's impossible to rob our bank!"
Oil money has taken a terrible toll on IQs at the Defense Department!
Who authorized the removal of the nukes from storage? Who authorized their mounting on a weapons platform, rather than the normal method for transporting nuclear weapons? Who sent the bomber to Barksdale? If we lived in a world of real news instead of imaginary hokum, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CNN would have engaged in a journalistic feeding frenzy! But, no! Not a word. Locked into their role as the midwives for the final betrayal of America, they can only remain silent on one of the most significant stories since the Manhattan Project.
There's a rumor that the access code used to remove the Nukes from storage belonged to Vice President Cheney. We'll never know. It's one of those "anonymous phone call" things. And the Internet was immediately flooded with a mix of wild speculation and obvious disinformation. The missiles were NOT intended for American cities. If they were, I would have told you about it weeks in advance. As you've seen in this and the previous report, the new 9-11 is not nuclear this time.
But I know where the nukes were going, and now you will, too.
The information comes from the reversed speech that was gathered during the Bush and Bambi trips to Iraq.
When I reversed the speech from Couric's interview with General David Petraeus in Anbar Province, I didn't get what I expected. They were on the way to the nearly destroyed "showplace" city of Fallujah and Petraeus was focused on the city as they approached it. Couric wanted to know why basic services like running water had never been restored, not realizing that the only answer was because the Army doesn't want them restored.
Did any of the fake news networks or perhaps WorldNetDaily ever tell you that the die-hard city of Fallujah sits in the center of a huge oil field? Of course not; that's a forbidden connection. But as Petraeus sees the city coming up in the distance he not only tells us "IT'S AN OIL FIELD" but also reveals "WE'RE DEAD TOUCHING IT." He then adds, "WE NEED HELP."
In other words if we weren't losing the war, and if the Iraqi legislators hadn't refused to give away their country's oil reserves, the active resistance in and around the city would still make it impossible for Exxon, BP and the others to drill there. In fact, I learn that the entire Anbar province is in the same situation. Oil and no way to get to it. This is total defeat; getting those rigs in there is the whole reason for the war in the first place.
In a brief span only thirteen seconds long, Petraeus hands us the information above and then delivers the blockbuster: "THEY'RE GOING TO NUKE THIS."
This explains a pair of reversals that had popped up about twenty seconds earlier. They show what to expect before the attack can begin. "WE'LL ALL PULL OUT," Petraeus says, and "I'LL RIDE THE FORWARD TRACK!"
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website")
General David Petraeus
Interviewed by Katie Couric
Driving into Fallujah, Anbar Province, Iraq
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: Discusssing Fallujah
Fwd: "..enormous damage.."
Fwd: working together
* "Track" is army slang for most tracked vehicles.
Petraeus is saying he'll be on the first one out the gate.
Similar information was contained in the second file that Strider sent me from the Bush visit. When Bush spoke of going to meet with provincial leaders in Ramadi, Anbar's capitol, the same sorry tale emerged, highlighted by the phrase, "NUKE YOU."
We also learn how the nuke will be delivered. "IT WILL BE A MISSILE," Junior tells us, and as far as he is concerned the people he will be meeting in Ramadi are "DOOMED."
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website")
George W. Bush
Surprise Visit to Anbar Province
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: "..violence and murder"
Fwd: Anbar Provincial Council
Fwd: City of Ramadi
Rev: WILL BE MISSILE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is an incredible story and I kept working with the material in hopes of learning more. A date would be wonderful. I'm disappointed that I didn't find one because the only way that Houston and it's conspirators can get away with nuking cities in Iraq is to blame it on some kind of spillover from the attack on Iran. If I had a date for this, then I'd also have a pretty good date for the new 9-11 attack on America that is intended to pull the trigger.
At this point I was holding up this report in hopes of finding one more detail, and at the same time trying to make sense of the B-52 bomber incident which was creating such a stir on the web. I'm sorry to say it took me several days to make the connection.
The White House is now caught in its own web of lies. A year ago, Dahr Jamail reported in AntiWar.com that the U.S. was losing control of Anbar Province. You should read the article to get a good feeling for how bad things were then. They are worse now. In the meantime the White House and General Betray-Us have been reporting that Anbar is our greatest success story in Iraq.
If nukes go off in Anbar Province, they will have to be blamed on someone else. Worse yet, any nukes already in the area on ships or at Diego Garcia are rigidly accounted for, and their use in the master attack plan for Iran is already totally programmed and accounted for. In fact thousands of military personnel below the current level of corruption are involved in the planning and execution of such a plan. It would not be possible to write in nuclear attacks on our "own territory" in advance, or force a stunning deviation during execution, and keep it secret.
Clearly, they need to find some Iranian nukes in a hurry.
Where are they going to come from? Minot Air Force Base of course! The very place that we know someone just tried to break 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles out and away from the nuclear weapons security grid.
The real question now is, just how important is the plan to nuke Anbar Province and other hostile areas in Iraq? If it is the only way out, which seems to be the case, it could be possible that the attacks on American cities and the Iranian Republic would have to be delayed until suitable missiles can be obtained. (Odds are that the warheads in orbit are too big.)
VII. Second Attempt To Steal Nuclear Weapons from Minot AFB Fails
As you know, I prefer to curb my own speculation by insisting on as much RS as I can get, from as many different people as possible. In this case I had no reversed speech on the Bomber incident, except for the Defense Department press briefer who gave me only one good reversal indicating that he was terrified.
But I was just led (yes I mean Led) to a piece of reversed speech that would otherwise have escaped. On Sept 11 General Betray-Us flubbed a question in the Senate hearing about his fantasy Iraq report. He couldn't remember the answer to whether or not America would be a safer place if we continued as he suggested in Iraq. A bit of video I ran across showed him squirming. I had not been able to get much out of him when he was reading his report. His mind was just too focused on the single task to give me random material I might find useful. This was a different situation and I jumped at the chance to reverse the audio.
The astounding result was the announcement that a second attempt to smuggle nuclear weapons out of Minot had been attempted, and it also had failed. This was heavy enough on Petraeus' mind to slip out as "THE MINOT SEQUEL FELL."
Equally interesting, Petraeus also offered up the name "NIMMERS" which I have now run across three times in association with false flag attacks. Bush mentioned them while thinking about one of the GAMBIT attempts, and I learned last year that the real intelligence community believes they ran the original 9-11 attacks.
LISTEN REVERSED SPEECH (Click on "Visit Author's Website")
General David Petraeus
Testimony before U.S. Senate
Reversals featured in this sound clip
Fwd: "What I've been focused on.."
Fwd: To achieve an objective
Rev: NIMMERS DID IT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A sequel! A second attempt. Once again you have heard it here first. Of course, if we find more information on this second attempt to steal armed nuclear missiles it will probably be by accident. You never really know what you will find with reversed speech, or when you will find it. If it turns up somewhere, I'll be sure to let you know. You certainly won't be hearing about it from any media sources.
Who are the Nimmers? Navy Intelligence Management, an extremely secretive organization that is very difficult to pin down. This leads to a fascinating conjecture. Although the generals are corrupt, lower ranks can still be depended upon to enforce nuclear weapons security rules. Is it Navy Intelligence that is running ops against the Air Force to try to break nuclear-armed missiles loose? Unfortunatly, the Secretary of the Air Force was on his way to Minot last time I looked so, unless the men and women who serve our country at Minot have nerves of steel, I imagine that oil money will ensure a successful whitewash, and get those missiles armed and out of there soon.
Good Luck to us all,
Ken Welch