Iraq, The Shame On America
By Candace Frieze
Our government has offered to this date about $350 million to the relief effort in Asia, a most small pittance compared to the current cost of tax dollars in Iraq about $150,000,000,000. A couple weeks ago, King George (stolen Presidency, making him a king), announced that the military has given up the search for weapons of mass destruction.
By doing so, our government has admitted that the sons and daughters of America have died in vain. And I believe from what I have studied on the Internet that the cost in lives and injuries has been much higher that we have been told. The fact that there is much secrecy in bringing home the bodies in itself implies that something is not right in the information we have been given by the press. There has been evidence on the Internet of unmarked graves with American or at least none Arab type bodies. It was known some time ago that we were also using many mercenaries. What has become of the dead from these forces?
Also implied in this admission of no WMD, is the wondering of what other lies have we been told? I believe, based on a great deal of time I spent of the Internet back when Saddam was supposedly in court that we got one of his doubles. I based this on the man's teeth and under bite which I did not see in Saddam's pictures when he was younger, before I assume he had the need for doubles. I watched what we were shown on his day in court and this just didn't seem right, those teeth. These just glared out at me. What is the game; and the lie here, and is Saddam in sanctuary somewhere and not being looked for at all? And that day that he was supposedly captured in December, with date palms nearby his hole in the ground, that are not green in December?
Still many believe also that he was involved with Al Quada. This I know is going to crumble in good time. It was denied that were we after cheap oil. But we are. We removed the Taliban from Afghanistan after they awarded the oil pipeline contract to the Argentina company called Bridas. America is hungry for cheap oil that fortunes can be made on and is involved all over the world in dirty little games. I have even heard some everyday folks say this war for oil is justified, so we can have cheap oil, that this conquest is thus justified! Well, this oil will not be cheap in the long run!
The true costs of this will be much higher than the military cost. And by the way, you the taxpayers are paying for the military to carry out a private business adventure. And these private business companies like Halliburton, and the oil companies involved are making big money off of all of us. Iraq is being cut up into parts and many companies setting up there. The average Iraqi will not benefit much from the supposed rebuilding.
When it has fully come to the public's attention what this war is really about, all that support it are going to be responsible for repayment to the citizens of Iraq for the damage caused. I certainly hope that much of this money will come from the pockets of those that dreamed up and carried out this misadventure. Every building that was bombed needs to be rebuilt. All the lost wages of Iraqi citizens need to be paid back. All those that lost family members need compensation for their loses. ( A note aside here, remember our government compensating those who lost family, etc., as the result of 911? That implies guilt within the government, otherwise why would they have been offered this money?)
How much is an Iraqi husband worth, or a mother? How much is a child worth? What compensation is fair for injury that causes disability? How about psychological injury? How about the damaged infrastructure? Many Iraqi's are living on little or no electricity and other substandard conditions as a result. If the Iraqi's decide to sue for damages, how much should an entire nation receive as damages, because everyone has been damaged in some way.
America has used weapons of mass destruction. We have used chemical weapons, big bombs, torture (a weapon of mass destruction also). Everything is soaking in depleted uranium, which will not only haunt the Iraqi's, but will come home to roost here also, in our soldiers, and in our air.
And how about the damage to our soldiers and their families. I suspect we will see a lot of lawsuits in this arena too. Can't sue the government, against the law? I suggest not, as there is this thing called common law, which is common sense law. You break it, you fix it. And I promise that there are lawyers that will be willing to take on the government. They will be willing to take on anyone involved in this huge mess.
I don't understand how folks can believe that Saddam was a major danger. We have pretty ample weapons, way beyond what he could have had. We have lots more that we have been told. There is a huge secret administration, called by some the "hidden hand" behind the world games that are played and this "hidden hand" keeps much hidden. including what is really going on over there.
However, thanks to the Internet, truth is coming thru. We are finding that there are many more daily encounters than reported on the evening news. We are finding out that Falluga has been pretty much destroyed. We are finding out that we are trying to cover up the evidence, doing this by digging up dirt and carting away buildings where chemical weapons, etc., have been used. We apparently have used neutron bombs. We are not giving out accurate information about the number of Iraqi casualties. And we aren't being given accurate information about our own either.
Below is a list in Internet sites that are trying to get information out. The first name of the list belongs to an American reporter, who is independent and has spent much time there and sends out frequent email reports. You should go to his website and put your name on his email list. He is:
Dahr Jamail: Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches
3 websites with in-depth daily reports:
Iraq War, Real News
Jihad Unspun - A Clear View Of The US War On "Terrorism"
Electronic Iraq: What's New?
Excellent site about Depleted Uranium: AfghanDUfund
These are links to recent excellent articles:
Fallujah 'City Of Mosques' Now 'City Of Rubble' Fatimah The Noble Of The Nobles & The Purest Of All Effect of DU A Message From The Iraq Resistance US Losses - Photos Hidden By US News Media World Tribunal on Iraq
As to the insurgency, it is difficult to make out who is behind it. I suspect several sources, one of which would be Saddam's former pals. Some seem to from other countries in the region. But most seem to be ordinary Iraqi's defending their homeland.
As to the upcoming elections, I don't think anything fair will come of them. There are apparently something like 100 parties, and people are to vote by party. There is intense dissatisfaction with Allawi, our puppet and if he is elected, you can be sure that the elections were dishonest. It is difficult to campaign, and unsafe. And with that many parties, how can you have a clear winner. I suspect that the US wants the election so it can high tail it out of there. Things are going horribly to say the least. It is not winnable at this point.
And you know what, we really don't need the oil. There is available plenty of technology for other ways to have energy and we must get to these quickly, as our earth has about had it with oil. This technology began to be available about 100 years ago, but because there wasn't enough money to be made, it was suppressed. If the current money already spent on all this warring in Iraq and Afghanistan and the cost of developing that oil had been more wisely invested in new technology, we would be having it.
It is morally wrong what this nation and those living in it that supports this war have done. And it will haunt us for many years to come. And the expense both in dollars and in the issue of our souls will be very expensive indeed. Saddam was not a threat, thus this is not a war of defense, but one of aggression.
And now we are moving on to Iran. And a supposed survey has shown that 46% of Americans support this! I hope not. I hope everyday America will wake up and refuse to be used by the powers that be to support their wars of aggression and control. If not, we will not long have an Earth on which to live.
It is absolutely known that wars and negativity affect the planets magnetics, and kinetic energy. This is showing up as earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, severe storms etc. It is quite possible that the planet will roll over and remove us from her surface. Think about that one. It has happened before in the long distance past. Our history is not what you have been told either.