Global Powers And Their Games
By Hank Roth
"'Coalition forces are responsible. Where is the law?' said Safa Hussein Qasim, 44, a jeweller. 'This is the promise of the United States to Iraq? This is democracy in Baghdad?'" [Peter Beaumont, (in Baghdad) - April 13, 2003 - The Observer]
"'The army of America is like Genghis Khan,' snapped Fouad Abdullah Ahmed, 49, as US tanks rumbled by without stopping. 'America is not good and Saddam is not good. My people refused Saddam, and they will refuse the Americans.' One young man went further: 'If this continues in Baghdad we'll kill any American or British soldier,' said Rahad Bahman Qasim, 30." [Beaumont]
The new National Front for the Liberation of Iraq, which has been organized as an underground guerilla army is determined to end all that by evicting the coalition forces from Iraq. Not much is being reported about them in any mainstream press (just as no credible opposition has been presented in the mainstream press) in spite of the fact that they have already carried out operations and an attempted assassination.
Instead whenever anyone now shoots at coalition forces they're called "Saddam loyalists" however the NFLI is not loyal to Saddam and they've said in their declaration that they didn't ask for the U.S. to overthrow Saddam; that they could have done that themselves and now they consider the coalition to be their enemy and enemy of the Iraqi people.
(For latest on the NFLI when it happens, check and follow links there and also for latest news)
While the U.S. has the NFLI to contend with in Iraq and various War Lords and Taliban in Afghanistan, it is also concerned about the EU and the EURO. American interventionism is a policy of U.S. imperialism for grabbing as many of the spoils of war as it can because it feels threatened by capital expansion of other imperialist countries in the EU.
"Since the collapse of the Soviet Union no imperalist power has had the military muscle to oppose U.S. unilateralism, and other powers have focused instead on getting their minor share of the spoils of the former Soviet empire and the intensified plunder of the third world. Howeve,r these powers see tha the present campaign is intended precisely to shut them out of contention for equal status with the United States in the long erm as well...."[Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE) - "Behind the Invasion of Iraq" 2003]
Hank Roth