Biden's War on America
Biden's War on America
About the only thing President Biden got right during his recent speech to Congress is that America is in crisis.
But here's where he went wrong:
It's not a health crisis... It's not a climate crisis... And it won't be fixed by infrastructure spending, police reform, or gun control.
The truth is... the real crisis America is in today much more serious, and much worse than anything the President focused on.
And if you understand what's really going on...
You'll understand that his latest proposals are about ONE thing only.
Unfortunately, most Americans are blind to the reality of what's going on right now -- and the consequences these policies will have.
Which is alarming--because it will affect the value of the U.S. dollar, and will have serious repercussions on the economy and stock market.
You must be prepared for the scary events I believe are right around the corner.
Dr. Ron Paul
Contributor, Stansberry Research
Former Congressman & U.S. Presidential Candidate