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SOTN: US & UK Incitement + NATO Buildup + Ukraine Hysteria + Russian Demands = World War 3 [with Comment by Hatonn!]


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HATONN:  Aha! so you believe these Satanian minions?  Quiet your minds!  Mother Earth has the last say, and there shall be NO WAR!  She is ready to graduate, and I wonder if the Satanian minions can swim with a five mile high wall of water rushing at them.  However, we of the Lighted Realms offer a better solution to war!  Step into the beam of LIght to safety!  Forgive selves and come back to the LIght.  If so. you gain great soul growth.  If not, happy swimming!  Oh, don't forget about all the volcanoes erupting and Earth graduating to a higher dimension where NO 3D person can survive.  It's your choice!


There’s now no question that the Western


powers are hellbent on pushing Russia into

war by provoking Putin to the point whereby

he has no choice but to protect the Motherland.

As follows:

Both the Globalists and Putin have already determined WAR in Ukraine is inevitable.

“Ukraine is to WW3 what Poland was to WW2.”

Russian Fighter “APPEARS” Over Kiev!

Ukraine Hit by Huge Cyber-attack

NWO Puppet & Ukraine President Zelensky Implicated with CIA/MI-6 in Kazakhstan Coup Operation

U.S. Military Cargo Plane “Disappears” from Flight Tracking After Leaving Ukraine