Nuclear Test? What Test?
U.S. Satellites are under siege from Chinese satellites and US National Security now in dire jeopardy thanks to the helpless Occupunk Bush.
PPS – It is important to note that the nuclear arming of North Korea took place in the early 90’s with an underground group lead by Diane Lewis with the assistance of Hillary lesbian-in-the-closet Rodenhurst-Clinton and then President Daddy Bush A.G. William Barr.
The profits from these sales to North Korea were laundered through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange disguised as Cattle and Hog Futures. Reference Hillary’s 100,000 profit in cattle off a one thousand dollar investment. Brokerage firm is Refco Inc. now defunct & out of business after being busted.
How Dare You? You Tyrants and Conspiratorial Kings.
What’s next? Only Stephen Hadley of the NSA knows for sure.
North Korea’s Claim Is Met With Doubt and Anger
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 — North Korea came under international condemnation today after boasting that it had tested a nuclear weapon, with strong criticism even from its allies, but there were doubts in the intelligence community about the strength of the device.