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US ‘Freezes Funding’ For White Helmets As Group’s Douma Chem Attack Claim Falls Apart

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Russian Diplomat Grills US State Department On White Helmets Abrupt Aid Cutoff

Reality Check: Who's Funding the White Helmets?


Follow the money and you will find numerous ties to government funding from not only the U.S., but the U.K., Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. 


We untangle these ties to the White Helmets in a Reality Check you won't get anywhere else.

Posted May 04, 2018


US ‘freezes funding’ for White Helmets as group’s Douma chem attack claim falls apart

Russian diplomat grills US State Department on White Helmets abrupt aid cutoff

Salisbury attack: Chemical weapons watchdog backtracks on '100g of Novichok' claim

Novichok Chemical Weapon Developer Says Half a Cup Would Have Killed Skripal and Entire Town

Zeman: Novichok was produced, tested, destroyed in ČR